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„Sustainability Challenges for the Social-Environmental Systems across the Asian Drylands Belt“

Titel der Veranstaltung „Sustainability Challenges for the Social-Environmental Systems across the Asian Drylands Belt“
Reihe Geographischen Kolloquium
Veranstalter Geographisches Institut
Referent/in Prof. Jiquan Chen
Einrichtung Referent/in Michigan State University
Veranstaltungsart Kolloquium
Kategorie Forschung
Anmeldung erforderlich Nein
Beschreibung The Asian Drylands Belt (ADB) covers 10.3% of global land area and 30% of total global drylands (>15 million km2). the ADB is confronted with a unique set of environmental and socioeconomic changes including water shortage-related environmental challenges and dramatic institutional changes since the collapse of the USSR. The social-environmental systems (SES) of the ADB is assessed using a conceptual framework rooted in the three pillars of sustainability science: social, economic and ecological systems. The complex dynamics are explored with biophysical, socioeconomic, institutional, and local context-dependent mechanisms with a focus on institutions and land use land cover change as important drivers. With brief introduction of the ADB’s history, I present five pressing, practical challenges for the sustainability of the SES: (1) Reduced water quantity and quality under warming, drying, and escalating extreme events, (2) Continued, if not intensifying, geopolitical conflicts, (3) Volatile, uncertain, and shifting socioeconomic structures, (4) Volatile, uncertain, and shifting socioeconomic structures, and (5) Globalization and cross-country influences.
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Zeit Beginn: 30.11.2021, 16:15 Uhr
Ende: 30.11.2021 , 17:45 Uhr
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