% usefile C:\monographregression\computercode\prg\bayesx\rent_interact.txt % Create a dataset object and read the data dataset d d.infile, maxobs=5000 using C:\monographregression\computercode\data\bayesx\rent99.raw % Generate dummy variables d.generate tlocation = 1*(location=3) d.generate glocation = 1*(location=2) % Create a regression object remlreg r % Create a map object and read the data map m m.infile using C:\monographregression\computercode\data\bayesx\munich_withoutparks.bnd % Set a new delimiter delimiter=; % Define the path where to save the results r.outfile = C:\monographregression\computercode\results\bayesx\reml_interact_pspline_rw1; % Estimation of the geoadditive model using first order differences r.regress rentsqm = yearc*area(pspline2dimrw1)+glocation+tlocation+district(spatial, map=m), family=gaussian using d; % Estimation of the geoadditive model using second order differences r.outfile = C:\monographregression\computercode\results\bayesx\reml_interact_pspline_rw2; r.regress rentsqm = yearc*area(pspline2dimrw2)+glocation+tlocation+district(spatial, map=m), family=gaussian using d;