% usefile C:\monographregression\computercode\prg\bayesx\golflasso.txt % HINT: % The program assumes that all files are stored in % C:\monographregression\computercode % change directory if code is located elsewhere % To store results you have to create a subfolder `results' (or any other folder defined in % the outfile command, see below) % To execute this program copy the usefile command above in the command window of BayesX % Create a dataset object and read the data dataset d d.infile using C:\monographregression\computercode\data\bayesx\golffull.raw % Create a regression object bayesreg b % Define the path where to save the results b.outfile = C:\monographregression\computercode\results\lasso % Set a new delimiter delimiter = ; % LASSO estimation b.regress price = ageop1(lasso) + ageop2(lasso) + ageop3(lasso) + kilometerop1(lasso) + kilometerop2(lasso) + kilometerop3(lasso) + TIA(lasso) + extras1(lasso) + extras2(lasso) , family=gaussian setseed=12345 burnin=5000 step=50 iterations=55000 using d