Zur Person

Curriculum Vitae
Pawe³ Szczerbak is since 2011 Lecturer and research Associate at the Chair for German Politics at the University of Göttingen hold by Prof. Dr. Christoph Hönnige. He studied at the University of Heidelberg and has a degree in Political Science, Public Law and Anthropology. He completed during his study an academic year at the Institut d´Études Politiques in Paris. 2009-2010 he was working as research Associate at the Chair for Modern Political Theory at the University of Heidelberg. He is also since 2010 Ph.D. student under advice of Prof. Dr. Klaus von Beyme. 2010-2011 he was working as lecturer and research associate in German and Comparative Politics in Kaiserslautern for Prof. Dr. Christoph Hönnige.

Research and Teaching Interests:
Current focus: Europeanization (West and East Europe), EU-Integration
Comparative Policy-Research
Systems and parlamentarism research in european and national context
Political representation