Dr. Johanna Mörlein

Mother of three and I love to eat Avgolemono.

Research Interests:

Expertise Meat quality, consumer and sensory sciences, food culture and history, animal welfare, public relations (Cuvillier Verlag 2016-2017)

Since 2016 BLE Project Untersuchungen zur exemplarischen Implementierung einer nachhaltigen Ebermast auf der Landwirtschafts-, Schlacht- und Verarbeitungsstufe im ökologischen Landbau (BÖLN 2811oe144)

Academic Career:

University of Goettingen

  • 2013-2016 PhD: Sensory Quality Control of Boar Taint
    BLE: Strategies to avoid odor deviations in the meat of uncastrated male pigs – Innovations to improve meat quality (STRAT-E-GER), FKZ: 2816802511
  • M.Sc. Agriculture 2013, B.Sc. Agriculture 2010

Research Stays

    2017 | 3 weeks
    Instituto de Biotechnología, San Juan Province, Argentina
    2014 | 3 weeks
    University of Gastronomic Sciences, Bra, Italy
    2011 | 4 months
    Erasmus student at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences Ås, Norway


Förderpreis der Agrarwissenschaften 2016
DLG Sensorik Award 2016

Reviewing Activities:
Food Research International


B.Sc.740693 Sensorikforschung und Sensorikmarketing
B.Sc. 0333 Produktqualität tierischer Erzeugnisse
M.Sc. 0095 Sensorik
