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On Experimental Philosophy and Ethics

Title of the event On Experimental Philosophy and Ethics
Series Studentische Ausblicke-Reihe
Organizer Philosophisches Seminar
Speaker Prof. Dr. Christoph Lütge
Speaker institution Technische Universität München, Peter Löscher-Stiftungslehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsethik und Global Governance
Type of event Vortrag
Category Forschung
Registration required Nein
Details Academic philosophy has experienced a major upheaval during the last decade. Philosophers, psychologists, and economists have begun to challenge the traditional stance that philosophy is an undertaking best pursued from the safety of the armchair. Instead, they took the gloves off and brought philosophical questions to the experimental laboratory. Recently, especially the empirical study of human moral reasoning, i.e., „Experimental Ethics“, has come into focus. This lecture will explore the historical and systematic background of experimental ethics as well as some of the chances and opportunities that experimental philosophy and experimental ethics hold.
Date Start: 26.01.2018, 18:00 Uhr
Ende: 26.01.2018 , 20:00 Uhr
Location Kulturwissenschaftliches Zentrum (Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14)
Raum PH 20 (Altbau)
Contact 0551 39-4722