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Helicity 2 Potential and Not-Potential Couplings to Matter Fields

Title of the event Helicity 2 Potential and Not-Potential Couplings to Matter Fields
Series Quantenfeldtheorie (Forschungsseminar M.Phy.412)
Organizer Theoretische Physik
Speaker Ayush Paliwal
Category Forschung
Registration required Nein
Details We look at a spin 2 potential A(2)(x, e) capable of being associated with, in the massless limit, a massless
graviton. In search of ’nicer’ relations and lesser string integrations, we alter this potential and obtain a field B(2)(x, e) which is not a potential. En route to finding and analyzing the
relevant L-Q pairs for the two fields, we encounter the Haag’s Theorem.
Date Start: 25.01.2021, 14:15 Uhr
Ende: 25.01.2021 , 15:15 Uhr
Location Fakultät für Physik (Friedrich-Hund-Platz 1)
Contact K.-H. Rehren