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International Conference: Biography and Violence - Violent dynamics and agency in collective processes and individual life histories

Title of the event International Conference: Biography and Violence - Violent dynamics and agency in collective processes and individual life histories
Organizer Methodenzentrum Sozialwissenschaften
Type of event Tagung
Category Forschung
Registration required Ja
Details This interdisciplinary and international conference offers an opportunity for discussion and exchange between scholars engaged in research on violence and those engaged in biographical research, from their different academic perspectives.

We are interested in the following questions: How can biographical research contribute to the systematic inclusion of violence in the development of sociological theories, as called for in recent years by scholars involved in research on violence and violent conflicts? And what perspectives can research on violence contribute to biographical research in the social sciences and sociology?

To discuss these questions, we have organized a promising program with international researchers who will present empirical studies dealing with migration, borders, ethnicized conflicts, women in violent action, everyday violence, domestic violence, violence in institutional settings and changing perspectives on violence.
Date Start: 09.02.2018, 10:30 Uhr
Ende: 10.02.2018 , 16:00 Uhr
Location Tagungszentrum an der Historischen Sternwarte (Geismar Landstraße 11)
Contact 0551-39-21539
External link
File attachment Programme_Biography_and_Violence.pdf