Forest Economics

Forest economics teaches the efficient, sustainable and fair utilization of scarce goods of the forest in order to fulfill human needs. Together with the Department of Forest Economics and Sustainable Land-use Planning the the department of forest economics is engaged in studies on the application of economic findings on forestry problems.

The general research and teaching areas include the basics of forestry business administration, business research and forestry management. Other areas of work include forestry accounting, business planning and decision-making methods as well as forestry administration and forest and company valuation.

The special research focus covers practical questions regarding forest management of private, communal and state forest enterprises and administrations. Studies at the department are carried out on the subject of forestry business accounting and enterprise assessment, on evaluation of operational usage constraints through environmental and water safety rules and on marketing concepts for timber. Additionally scientists are researching operational planning and decision methods as well as controlling and forest tax theory. Besides this concepts for an ecologically oriented management are being developed.