Yingying Zhang -
Chairholder in Winter Term 2015/2016

Visiting Professor

Name: Yingying Zhang

Home University & Current Position:
Associate Professor of International Business and Strategy, CUNEF, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
Director, CUNEF, Centre for Knowledge and Innovation, Spain

Previous Academic Positions

As Assistant Professor of Strategy:
2008 - 2010 CUNEF, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
2004 - 2008 Educatis Graduate School of Management, Switzerland

As Visiting Scholar / Professor:
- Harvard University, Economics Department, USA
- Northeastern University, Centre for Emerging Markets, USA
- Tec Monterrey University, Mexico
- EAN University, PhD Program in Management, Colombia
- Nebrija University, PhD Program in Management, Spain

Research Interests

The intersection of international business, strategy innovation and people management, with special interest in the relation between China and Europe