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“With a view to temporary stay.” An ethnological perspective on Europe’s politics of exception after the“return turn”

Titel der Veranstaltung “With a view to temporary stay.” An ethnological perspective on Europe’s politics of exception after the“return turn”
Reihe Annual Lecture in European Ethnology
Veranstalter Institut für Kulturanthropologie/Europäische Ethnologie und Zentrum für Globale Migrationsstudien
Referent/in Prof. Dr. Marie Sandberg
Einrichtung Referent/in Copenhagen University
Veranstaltungsart Vortrag
Kategorie Forschung
Anmeldung erforderlich Nein
Beschreibung The significant “return turn” (Schultz 2020) of the Global North has replaced re-settlement and integration as core immigration values, resulting in prolonged uncertainty and intensified deterrence measures (DeGenova 2013). After the 2015 European refugee reception crisis, Denmark, for instance, announced a so-called Paradigm shift away from integration of newcomers and towards a focus on self-reliance and return policies. Hence, since 2019 all residence permits are issued “with a view to temporary stay” as the blanket approach for all refugees, regardless of protection status (Tan 2021). Based on preliminary research insights from the collaborative research-practice project “Boundary work. New interfaces between state and civil society: Volunteerism and refugees in a self-support and repatriation context”, I will focus on everyday life consequences of the permanent temporariness for both refugees and civil society volunteers. With inspiration from Georgina Ramsay’s (2020) critique of exceptionalizing displacement through the lens of “crisis”, I will discuss how we can make the European politics of exception into ethnological inquiry without reproducing logics of difference and othering. Further, I will reflect on what effect the enhanced deterrence measures might have on the future of Europe.
Zeit Beginn: 16.11.2022, 18:15 Uhr
Ende: 16.11.2022 , 23:15 Uhr
Ort Historisches Gebäude der Niedersächsischen Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen (Papendiek 14)
Alfred-Hessel Saal
Kontakt 25351
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