Stefan Schulz-Hardt

Economic and Social Psychology
Georg-Elias-Müller-Institute of Psychology

Research Interests

  • Decision making processes in groups
  • Opinion conformable information processing and self-affirmation
  • Psychological saturation and inappropriate strain
  • Loss calculation
  • Price perception in course of the introduction of the euro

Education and Employment

2004 -Full Professor for Industrial, Economic, and Social Psychology, Georg-August-University Göttingen
2007 - 2008Dean of the Faculty of Biology and Psychology at Georg-August-University Göttingen
2002 - 2004Full Professor for Social and Financial Psychology, University of Dresden
2002Habilitation, Psychology, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
1998 - 2002Assistant Professor at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich
1996 - 1998Postdoc at the University of Kiel
1993 - 1996PhD-Thesis, Department of Psychology, University of Kiel
1987 - 1993Study of Psychology at the University of Kiel

Selected publications

Schulz-Hardt S, Giersiepen A, Mojzisch A (2016). Preference-consistent information repetitions during discussion: Do they affect subsequent judgments and decisions? Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 64: 41-9

Mojzisch A, Kerschreiter R, Faulmüller N, Vogelgesang F, Schulz-Hardt S (2014). The consistency principle in interpersonal communication: Consequences of preference confirmation and disconfirmation in collective decision making. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 106: 961-77

Schultze T, Mojzisch A, Schulz-Hardt S (2013). Groups weight outside information less than individuals because they should: Response to Minson and Mueller (2012). Psychological Science 24: 1371-2

Schultze T, Mojzisch A, Schulz-Hardt S (2012). Why groups perform better than indi-viduals at quantitative judgment tasks: Group-to-individual transfer as an alternative to differential weighting. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 118: 24-36

Schultze T, Pfeiffer F, Schulz-Hardt S (2012). Biased information processing in the escalation paradigm: Information search and information evaluation as potential medi-ators of escalating commitment. Journal of Applied Psychology 97: 16-32

Häusser J A, Mojzisch A, Niesel M, Schulz-Hardt S (2010). Ten years on: A review of recent research on the Job-Demand-Control(-Support) Model and psychological well-being. Work & Stress 24: 1-35

Schulz-Hardt S, Thurow-Kröning B, Frey D (2009). Preference-based escalation: A new interpretation for the responsibility effect in escalating commitment and entrap-ment. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 108: 175-86

Brodbeck FC, Kerschreiter R, Mojzisch A, Schulz-Hardt S (2007). Improving group decision making under conditions of distributed knowledge: The information asymme-tries model. Academy of Management Review 32: 459-79

Schulz-Hardt S, Brodbeck FC, Mojzisch A, Kerschreiter R, Frey D (2006). Group de-cision making in hidden profile situations: Dissent as a facilitator for decision quality. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 91: 1080-93

Schulz-Hardt S, Frey D, Lüthgens C, Moscovici S (2000). Biased information search in group decision making. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 78: 655-69