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Welcome to the official SIA Alumni webpage. We are glad to see you reconnect with our international network of over 500 members.

"I would like to extend a warm welcome to SIA Alumni. The SIA Alumni is an incredible network to be apart and holds many opportunities and potential. I can't wait to bring my vision and ideas to this inspiring network of agriculture professionals." ~ Justin Whittle (SIA Alumni Chairmen/Founder)

What is Alumni:

Here at SIA Alumni our core values are to;

The main principles that we follow is to reconnect with alumni, collaborate together, share information and knowledge and build and make meaningful impact.

The network is made up of over 500 members from over 42 countries and 25 years of sustainable international agriculture programs. The SIA Alumni includes retired programs since 2000 at both University of Kassel and Goettingen including: IOA (International Organic Agriculture), IARD (International Agribusiness and Rural Development), TIA (Tropical and International Agriculture). These programs built the SIA program today and shown in the picture.

Who is SIA Alumni

What are the benefits for Alumni?

The alumni network is designed to benefit alumni to assist each other to further your own professional careers. Give exclusive job opportunities, access to global network of pro- fessionals and collaborate on potential projects. It also gives you the opportunity to connect back to Europe.

What's next for SIA Alumni?

Here at SIA Alumni we have a lot of plans in the future and we are working on many great ideas. To keep up to date we ask for you to stay connected through our social media and LinkedIn. If you would like to contribute and help the alumni team, please get in contact with us.

SIA Alumni Facebook

Who are the Alumni Ambassadors?