Abdurrahman Icyer


Despite the existing interest for the history of the relations between Serbia and Turkey and Russia, there is hardly any systematic study of the Serbian-Turkish relations when the principality of Serbia gained its independence in 1878. Serbia and the Ottoman Empire were keeping an eye on each other. Their foreign interests were the cohesion ground for their cautious rapprochement. For instance, both states were discussing the projects of treaties, which might be signed in the forthcoming years.
The research is supposed to show the crucial role of the imperial legacy for the violent Twentieth century in South East Europe. Therefore it analyses the factor of Ottoman Serbs in Macedonia and Bosnia, as well as in other states of the region and follows up on their imprint on the bilateral and multilateral relations of many post-Ottoman or more general post-Imperial states.
It therefore asks for the rapprochement of the Serbia and the Ottoman Empire and tries to reveal the value the Serbian-Turkish relations during the Balkan wars, and up to World War I.

Die Beziehungen zwischen den sich im Laufe des 19. Jahrhunderts neuformierenden Balkanstaaten, den europäischen Großmächten und dem Osmanischen Reich, zu dessen Herrschaftsbereich der Balkan gehörte, waren wechselvoll: Einerseits übten die Großmächte einen starken Einfluss auf die Entwicklungen auf dem Balkan und im Osmanischen Reich aus, andererseits war auch die Politik der sich bildenden Nationalstaaten von nationalistischen Zielen geprägt und wirkte auf die Großmächte zurück. Serbien erhielt durch den Berliner Vertrag von 1878 politische Unabhängigkeit, so dass sich sein Verhältnis zum Osmanischen Reich signifikant veränderte, da es aus dessen Staatsverband endgültig ausschied.
Als unabhängige Staaten entwickelten Serbien und das Osmanische Reich nun diplomatische, kulturelle und wirtschaftliche Beziehungen, die sich häufig auf die Situation der in Makedonien und damit auf osmanischem Territorium verbliebenen Serben bezogen. Das Hauptaugenmerk meiner Dissertation liegt daher auf der eigenständischen serbischen Politik mit Blick auf die serbische Bevölkerung im Osmanischen Reich, besonders auf kulturellem Gebiet. Die Ausgangsposition der Arbeit ist, dass es Phasen einer funktionierenden Zusammenarbeit zwischen Serbien und dem Osmanischen Reich und gegenseitige Unterstützung gab, da das Osmanische Reich ein Interesse an einem starken Serbien und einer starken serbischen Minderheit in Makedonien hatte. Vor diesem Hintergrund fragt die Arbeit nach den unterschiedlichen Formen der Zusammenarbeit, sowie denjenigen Strategien und Praktiken in der serbischen Politik, die eine serbisch-osmanische Zusammenarbeit möglich machten.

Research interests:

  • History of western and southern Slavs
  • Balkan history
  • History of Russia
  • History of the Ottoman Empire


08/2018- Georg-August University Göttingen, the Department for Medieval and Modern History, Ph.D student

09/2013-09/2016 Lomonosow Moscow State University, Faculty of History, Department of History of southern and western Slavs, Ph.D student(did not finish)

09/2008-06/2013 Lomonosow Moscow State University, Faculty of History, Department of History of southern and western Slavs, Specialist degree programme

06/2017 Internship, Research Explorer Ruhr, the Bochum University

12/2015-01/2016 Research in the Archives of Turkey

06/2015-07/2015 Research in the Archive of Serbia

04/2013-05/2013 Research in the Russian State Arcihves

08/2012 Internship in the Institute of Turkey, Turkish Institute of 21 centuries

12/2012 Internship at the University of Belgrade, Department of Philosophy

01/2011 Internship at the University of Belgrade, Department of Philosophy

05/2015 "The Serbian-Turkish Relations and Russia in days of Young Turcs Revolution"
Conference "Slavic world: community and variety" (Institute of Slavic studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow)

05/2015 "The Serbian-Turkish Relations and Russia in days of the Young Turk Revolution"
Conference "Slavic world: community and variety" (Institute of Slavic studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow)

12/2015 "Serbia in the policy the Young Turks (1908-1911)"
Conference "Scientific conference. Nikitinsky readings. Slavs and Russia.
Slavs and Russia in system of the international relations" (Institute of Slavic studies)

04/2015 "The Relations between Montenegro Nikola I and Sultan Abdul-Hamid II"
Conference "International young scientific forum "Lomonosow" XXII. International conference of students, graduate students and young sciensists ‘LOMONOSOW’, Section "History of the Southern and Western Slavs" (Moscow State University, Faculty of history)

05/2014 "The Serbian-Turkish Relations and Russia in days of Young Turk Revolution"
Conference "The Slavic World: Aspects of the history and culture, V.International youth Interuniversity conference" (The Moscow House of Nationalities of the Russian Federation)

04/2012 "Young Turk Revolution in Assessment of the Serbian and Russian Press"
Conference "International youth scientific forum "Lomonosow" XXII. International conference of students, graduate students and young sciensists ‘LOMONOSOW’, Section "History of the Southern and Western Slavs" (Moscow State University, Faculty of history)

"Serbia and Turkey in days of the Young Turk Revolution and Russia", Journal "Srpske Studije- Serbian Studies" Vol. 6 2015, S. 283-298.

Subject "The Serbian-Turkish Relations in days of the Young Turk Revolution", Slavyanovedeniye Journal No. 5 2016, S. 80-84.

"The Russian View of the Serbian-Turkish Relations in days of the Young Turk Revolution", "KLIO", No. 3 (111) 2016, S. 128-133.