% usefile C:\monographregression\computercode\prg\bayesx\lungtest.txt % HINT: % The program assumes that all files are stored in % C:\monographregression\computercode % change directory if code is located elsewhere % To store results you have to create a subfolder `results' (or any other folder defined in % the outfile command, see below) % To execute this program copy the usefile command above in the command window of BayesX % Create a dataset object and read the data dataset d d.infile using C:\monographregression\computercode\data\bayesx\lungtestlong.raw % Create a regression object remlreg r % Define the path where to save the results r.outfile = C:\monographregression\computercode\results\lungtest_main % Sequential Model r.regress y = adummy + s1dummy + s2dummy, family=seqlogit using d % Sequential Model with interactions r.outfile = C:\monographregression\computercode\results\lungtest_inter r.regress y = adummy + s1dummy + s2dummy + a_s1_dummy + a_s2_dummy, family=seqlogit using d % Sequential Model with interactions (alternative) r.outfile = C:\monographregression\computercode\results\lungtest_inter2 r.regress y = ak40_non + ak40_former + ak40_current + agr40_non + agr40_former , family=seqlogit using d