Dr. Jurrit Daalder

Research Interests

  • Postwar American Literature
  • Creative Nonfiction
  • American Regionalism and Local Color
  • Cultural Studies
  • 20th- and 21st-Century Literature (Legacies of Modernism; Postmodernism)

Professional Experience

2014-2017Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Oxford

University Education and Degrees
2017D.Phil. in English, Mansfield College, University of Oxford
Thesis: "Straight from the Heartland: New Sincerity and the American Midwest"
2012M.A. English: Issues in Modern Culture, University College London
2011B.A. English Language and Culture, University of Amsterdam

Fellowships, Scholarships, and Grants

2016-2017Supernumerary Research and Teaching Fellowship, Rothermere American Institute, University of Oxford
2015-2016Esmond Harmsworth Scholarship in American Literature, Rothermere American Institute, University of Oxford
2015Mansfield College Graduate Award
2014-2015Harry Ransom Center Dissertation Fellowship Supported by the Creekmore and Adele Fath Charitable Foundation and the University of Texas at Austin Office of Graduate Studies
2014European Association for American Studies Postgraduate Travel Grant
2013Fundatie van de Vrijvrouwe van Renswoude te 's-Gravenhage Scholarship
2012-2013Prince Bernhard Fellowship
2012Dr. Hendrik Muller Vaderlandsch Fonds Scholarship
2009-2010Harting Scholarship, Trinity College Dublin


  • "Wallace and Regionalism." The Cambridge Companion to David Foster Wallace. Ed. Ralph Clare. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2017 [under contract].
  • "Cruel Inventions: George Saunders's Literary Darkenfloxx(TM)." George Saunders: Critical Essays. Eds. Philip Coleman and Steve Gronert Ellerhoff. New York and London: Palgrave Macmillan, forthcoming Apr. 2017. 173-188. Print.
  • "'A Place to Fear and Love': The Imagined Heartland of David Foster Wallace's The Broom of the System." Critical Insights: Midwestern Literature. Ed. Ronald Primeau. Ipswich, MA: Salem Press, 2013. 94-108. Print.

Selected Academic Papers

  • "Against the Grain: The Regional Dimensions of Jonathan Franzen's Career Mobility." Flows and Undercurrents: Dimensions of (Im)mobility in North America. John F. Kennedy Institute, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, DE. 2-4 June 2016.
  • "Rough Stuff: Authorial Cruelty in the Work of George Saunders." American Stuff: American Literature Symposium. Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK. 14 May 2016.
  • "David Foster Wallace's Views on the American Interior." American Literature Research Seminar. Rothermere American Institute, Oxford, UK. 28 May 2015.
  • "'Limits and Rituals': The Neomonastic Communities of David Foster Wallace's Postsecular Narratives." Infinite Wallace/Wallace Infini Conference. Universities of Paris III (Sorbonne Nouvelle) and Paris VII (Diderot), Paris, FR, 11-13 Sep. 2014.
  • "'A Happiness Almost Akin to Seeing Her': The Real and Narrative Spaces of Desire and Encounter in Orhan Pamuk's The Museum of Innocence." The Fourth International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Emotional Geographies. Groningen, NL, 1-3 July 2013.

Teaching at the University of Goettingen

Past Courses

  • Thomas Pynchon's Mason & Dixon (WiSe 2017/18)
  • Straight from the Heartland: New Sincerity and the American Midwest (SoSe 2017)

Past Courses at Other Institutions

  • Reading American Regions: From Freeman's New England to Stegner's Wild West (Hilary Term 2017, Christ Church, University of Oxford)
  • Contemporary American Creative Nonfiction (Hilary Term 2016, Mansfield College, University of Oxford)
  • America After 1945 Lecture Series (Michaelmas Term 2015/2016, English Faculty, University of Oxford)
  • The American Novel after 1945: Majority and Minority Traditions (Michaelmas Term 2014, English Faculty, University of Oxford)