Publications Dr. Elena SHIGORINA

1. Shigorina, E., Rüdiger, F., Tartakovsky, A., Sauter, M., Kordilla, J. (2020): "Multiscale smoothed particle hydrodynamics model development for simulating preferential flow dynamics in fractured porous media". Water Resources Research, 2020WR027323R, DOI: 10.1029/2020WR027323
2. Shigorina, E. (2019): "Preferential flow dynamics of the vadose zone of fractured and fractured-porous media: Development of a parallelized multi-scale Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Model", University of Göttingen, pp. 127, Dissertation
3. Shigorina, E., Kordilla, J., Tartakovsky, A. (2019): "Investigation of Gravity-Driven Infiltration Instabilities in Smooth and Rough Fractures Using a Pairwise-Force Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Model ". Vadose Zone Journal, 18, p.1-12
4. Shigorina, E., Kordilla, J., Tartakovsky, A. (2017): "Smoothed particle hydrodynamics study of the roughness effect on contact angle and droplet flow". Physical Review E, 96, p.033115