Nicole Manger


Nicole Manger recently joined the Chair for Comparative Politics as a research fellow. She studied Political Science at the University of Göttingen and U.S. Public Policy and Human Rights Law at the University of California at Berkeley (USA). In her M.A. thesis she analyzed the “Political Influences on Judicial Oversight of Governmental Rights Violations in the Post 9/11 Counter-Terrorism Related Permanent State of Emergency – the Cases of the US, Canada, Germany” (supervised by Prof. Dr. Ran Hirschl and Dr. Eugénie Mérieau), of which she presented an extract at the annual UT Austin Conference in Public Law (USA). Before that, she worked with the U.S. State Department at the executive and political/economic sections of the U.S. Consulate General in Munich. In Munich, she worked with former Secretary of State John Kerry’s senior advisory team from D.C. in preparation of his attendance of the Munich Security Conference and several other high stakes bilateral meetings and conferences on international security and migration. During her time in Göttingen, she worked as a student research assistant at the Department of Political Science in the field of Comparative Democracy Studies and Women’s Rights (Prof. Dr. Amy Alexander).
Nicole’s research focus lies on questions concerning governance and law in the fields of international security, urbanization, migration and multiculturalism with a focus on the OECD member states, in particular, North America and Western Europe.