Application Master Crop Protection EU applicants only Deadline: 15 June 2024Personal DetailsSurname/family name *First and middle names/ given names *Gender Female Male DiverseDate of Birth *Place of Birth *Nationaltiy *Marital Status *ID/Passport No. *LanguageWhat is your native language? *Score of your English Language Test *Permanent AddressStreet and Number *Postal Code *City *Country of Residence *Contact DetalsPrimary Email *Alternative EmailTelephoneAcademic BackgroundBachelor Study RecordsOfficial Name of the University *Faculty/ Department *Address of the University *Name of Study Program *Begin of Studies *Current State *Date of Award *Academic Degree Awarded *Title of Final Thesis *Final Grade you Obtained *Minimum Pass Grade at your Institution *Maximum Grade at your Institution *Master Study Records - if applicableOfficial Name of the UniversityFaculty/ DepartmentAddress of the UniversityName of Study ProgramBegin of StudiesCurrent StateDate of AwardTitle of Final ThesisFinal Grade you ObtainedMinimum Pass Grade at your InstitutionMaximum Grade at your InstitutionProfessional ExperienceWhat is your main Activity at the Moment? *Department/Institution/Organisation *Please describe your Professional Experience (Max 200 characters) *Please describe other relevant Work Experiences (Max 200 characters)Survey and DeclarationHow will you finance your Studies? *From where did you learn about the Program?Did you submit any Application before? *If yes, in which Year?Do you confirm, that you have completed the Application Form correctly and the Information you provide is accurate? *By submitting this form, you confirm that you have read and accept our Privacy Policy.* Mandatory field