Dr. Sarah Kühl

Sarah Kühl studied business administration at the Leuphana University of Lüneburg and then worked in sales. This was followed by a master's degree in equine science and a doctorate on the topic of "Differentiation strategies based on agricultural production processes in the food market" at the Chair of Marketing for Food and Agricultural Products. Following the PhD, Sarah Kühl took up a position as a research assistant at the Free University of Bolzano (Italy) at the Chair of Livestock Sciences and conducted, i. a., economic analyses of livestock farms there. In 2019, she moved to a management consultancy and worked on projects in the field of strategy alignment for the automotive and telecommunications industries. Ms. Kühl joined the chair as a PostDoc at the beginning of 2021 and is working, i. a., on online purchasing behavior and alternative (digital) marketing concepts.

Research focus:

  • Food marketing
    • Consumer behaviour and expectations of food and agriculture
      • Differentiation and marketing strategies

      • Research projetcs:

        Innovation Network Cattle - sustainable cattle farming in Germany taking into account animal welfare, environmental impacts and social acceptance (InnoRind)
        The aim of the InnoRind project is to establish a network for sustainable cattle farming and to use the expertise of the project participants to develop innovative approaches for sustainable dairy and beef cattle farming in Germany. These approaches are intended to increase animal welfare and reduce environmental pollution. At the same time, the labour situation of farms and the social acceptance of husbandry and management systems are to be included in the development of sustainable concepts.
        As a project partner, the Georg-August University of Göttingen is investigating the social perspective on innovative husbandry and management measures in the areas of calf rearing and beef cattle rearing, among others, in order to incorporate them into the transformation process. First of all, the evaluation, importance and consideration of animal emotions in dairy farming from a social and agricultural perspective will be recorded through interviews and online surveys. A further field of research includes the acceptance and evaluation of different, innovative forms of housing for calves in the first weeks of life from the perspective of the population. In addition, the evaluation of animal welfare and the prioritisation of animal welfare goals in the case of conflicting goals of different housing systems in cattle fattening will be investigated from a social perspective. Furthermore, the aim is to develop and test a dialogue-oriented online citizen participation procedure for the design of future cattle farming, which can be transferred to other agricultural topics.

        "Legehennen in Mobilställen: Chance oder Risiko für Tierwohl, Markt- und Bürgerakzeptanz?"(MobiWohl)
        Mobile barns are spreading dynamically in organic and conventional egg production. Since the economically successful use of mobile houses depends on whether an additional benefit compared to stationary houses can be communicated to consumers, target group-specific marketing strategies are to be developed in the project. Besides the question of egg marketing, the acceptance of mobile barns by the population is a success factor. Therefore, possible conflicts during the construction of barns as well as the assessment of residents regarding the environmental and health effects of mobile barns in the local area will be investigated. The extent to which mobile stables also have a positive effect on animal health has not yet been sufficiently proven. Therefore, it is also the aim of the project to examine the animal welfare levels in different types of mobile housing.The project partners are the Department of Farm Animal Ethology and Animal Husbandry at the University of Kassel-Witzenhausen, and the LLH Hessen. The project is funded by the BMEL.

        "Verbesserung der gesellschaftlichen Akzeptanz ökologischer Tierhaltungssysteme"
        Against the background of the social debate about the future of livestock farming in Germany, it is becoming increasingly clear that livestock farming is facing considerable, necessary innovation steps. However, this can only be achieved if the products produced also find a market outlet. Regional initiatives can be a driver of sustainable development. Within the framework of the research project, innovative marketing concepts for products from sustainable, regional livestock farming will be designed and analyzed as an example in southern Lower Saxony. The project is funded by the state of Lower Saxony.

        "Entwicklung und Erprobung eines Klimalabels für Lebensmittel in Niedersachsen (EEKlim)"
        In order to achieve international and national sustainability goals, environmentally conscious nutrition has increasingly moved into the public interest and political discussions. In addition to transformation processes in agriculture and the food sector, consumers are also seen as playing an important role. The planned project therefore aims to develop a scientifically based framework concept for a climate label and to test its practicability for the agricultural and food sector in Lower Saxony. The label to be developed is to be designed in such a way that environmentally friendly consumption and production patterns are promoted in the food sector. The project is funded by the Lower Saxony Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection.

        "Analyse von Vermarktungswegen für Erzeugnisse einer nachhaltigen Nutztierhaltung am Beispiel Südniedersachsens" (completed)

        Selected publications:

        • Flach, L., Kühl, S., Lambertz, C., Gauly, M. (2021). Environmental impact and food production of small-scale mountain dairy farms at different supplementation levels. In: Journal of Cleaner Production,DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.127429
          • Kühl, S., Busch, G., Gauly, M. (2020). How should beef be produced? Consumer expectations and views on local beef production in South Tyrol (Italy). In: British Food Journal, DOI: 10.1108/BFJ-07-2020-0571
            • Kühl, S., Zühlsdorf, A., Spiller, A. (2019). "Isn't it all unnatural anyway"? Labeling of flavorings and consumer understanding. In: Ernährungs Umschau, DOI: 10.4455/eu.2019.026
              • Kühl, S., Gauly, S., Spiller, A. (2018). Analysing public acceptance of four common husbandry systems for dairy cattle using a picture-based approach. In: Livestock Science, DOI:10.1016/j.livsci.2018.12.022
                • Kühl, S., Gassler, B, Spiller, A. (2017). Labeling strategies to overcome the problem of niche markets for sustainable milk products: The example of pasture-raised milk. In: Journal of Dairy Science, DOI: 10.3168/jds.2016-11997


                • Digitales marketing in agribusiness (M.Sc.) (since WiSe 2021)

                • Thesis:

                  • Ag-related Marketing Claims - Differentiation Strategies Based on Agricultural Production Processes in the Food Market