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Performing Brahms Intermezzo op. 118 no. 2: considerations based on Brahmsian performance practices and historical pianos

Title of the event Performing Brahms Intermezzo op. 118 no. 2: considerations based on Brahmsian performance practices and historical pianos
Series Sounding Act(s/ivism): Vortragsreihe im Rahmen des Musikwissenschaflichen Kolloquiums SoSe 2021
Organizer Musikwissenschaftliches Seminar Göttingen
Speaker Prof. Dr. Neal Peres Da Costa
Speaker institution Sydney Conservatorium of Music
Type of event Kolloquium
Category Forschung
Registration required Ja
Details Anmeldung zur Zoom-Veranstaltung unter
Date Start: 23.06.2021, 10:00 Uhr
Ende: 23.06.2021 , 11:30 Uhr
Location Online auf Zoom
Contact Eva-Maria van Straaten
External link
File attachment Kolloquiumsposter SoSe21.pdf