Öffentliche Vorträge 2016-17

"The Labor of the Mind - Intellect and Gender in Enlightenment Cultures"
A book launch and conversation with Tony La Vopa, Joanna Wharton and Julia Voss
Historic Observatory, Red Hall, Wednesday 29th November 2017, 4.15 p.m

Lissa Roberts, Twente: The infrastructures of natural history
Public Keynote of the workshop: Global natural history around 1800: collections, media, actors
Auditorium Hörsaal, Weender Str. 2, 7 December 2017, 6:15 p.m.

2016 fanden folgende Vorträge statt:

Das Tagebuch von Anne Frank- im Film: Visuelle Sprache, politische Traditionen und differente Erinnerungen
Vortrag von Dr. Daniel Wildmann
(Director Leo Baeck Institute / Queen Mary, University of London)
1. Februar 2017, 18:15 Uhr

Seit den 1950er Jahren wurde das Tagebuch der Anne Frank international über 20 Mal im großen Stil verfilmt - fürs Kino und fürs Fernsehen. Diese Filme sind unglaublich different. Was formte die Herangehensweisen der verschiedenen Filmemacher und lässt sich wegen der Unterschiedlichkeit der Filme tatsächlich von einer universellen Gültigkeit des Dramas um Anne Frank sprechen? Daniel Wildmann geht in seinem Vortrag diesen Fragen anhand von Beispielen aus den 1950er und 1990er Jahren nach.


Mind and Culture in the Making of ldentity
Lecture by Professor Liah Greenfeld (Professor of Sociology, Political Science and Anthropology, Boston University)
8. Februar 2017, 16:15 Uhr

The lecture will address the nature of individual identity and examine the process of its formation in various cultural frameworks, religious and secular. Particular attention will be paid to the dynamic between nationalism and the mind and the integration of religion in nationalism.
Called "one of the most original thinkers of the current period" and "the great historian of Nationalism," Liah Greenfeld is University Professor and Professor of Sociology, Political Science, and Anthropology at Boston University. Between 2011 and 2016 she was also Distinguished Visiting Professor at Lingnan University, Hong Kong. She is the author of numerous publications about modern society and culture, including the ground-breaking trilogy on nationalism, which consists of Nationalism: Five Roads to Modernity (Harvard University Press, 1992), The Spirit of Capitalism: Nationalism and Economic Growth (Harvard University Press, 2001; Donald Kagan Best Book in European History Prize), and Mind, Modernity, Madness: The Impact of Culture on Human Experience (Harvard University Press, 2013).