PhD topic D11

Rule-based models of growth and above-ground morphology of spruce trees (Picea abies) with different degrees of physiological accuracy


Some years ago, shoot lengths and ramification were measured at samples from full-grown spruce trees in the Solling mountains (North Germany), with distinction of sun-exposed and shadowed branches. These empirical data are not yet completely evaluated. They shall be used to design and calibrate detailed dynamic, structural 3D models for the ontogenic development of spruce trees. The models shall be specified in the language XL, using the tool GroIMP ( Preliminary models, based on L-systems, do already exist. The following improvements should be obtained in this thesis:

  • Trees with age 0 to 120 years shall be covered by one rule system based primarily on a "vitality" parameter of buds and shoots,
  • adaptation to sun and shade shall be included (using GroIMP's radiation model),
  • the models should be validated at independent empirical data and, if necessary, be improved afterwards.

Two versions shall be implemented: one model with direct effect of incoming light on the vitality of buds, and one making use of a (more realistic) simulation of photosynthesis, carbon transport and consumption by plant organs. Both versions shall be compared in terms of realism (visual and botanical) of their output, time and space efficiency, and transparency of code. Comparisons shall also be done with tree models from the literature (LStudio, LIGNUM, AmapSim, GreenLab etc.).


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