
"The Uncertainty of a Selected Graphical Model", 2010, Pigeot, Sobotka, Kreiner, Foraita (working paper)

"Geoadditive Expectile Regression", 2012, Sobotka, Kneib (Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 56 [4], 755-767)

"On Confidence Intervals for Semiparametric Expectile Regression Models", 2013, Sobotka, Kauermann, Schulze Waltrup, Kneib (Statistics and Computing 23 [2], 135-148)

"Estimating the relationship of women's education and fertility in Botswana using an instrumental variable approach to semiparametric expectile regression", 2013, Sobotka, Radice, Marra, Kneib (Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C: Applies Statistics 62 [1], 25-45).

"expectreg: an R package for expectile regression", 2013, Sobotka, Schnabel, Schulze Waltrup, Kauermann, Kneib (eingereicht)

"Bayesian Geoadditive Expectile Regression", 2013, Waldmann, Sobotka, Kneib (eingereicht)

"Adaptive Semiparametric M-Quantile Regression", 2013, Sobotka, Salvati, Ranalli, Kneib (eingereicht)

"Expectiles and Quantiles - David and Goliath?", 2013, Schulze Waltrup, Sobotka, Kneib, Kauermann (eingereicht)