
  • von der Lühe, B., Hughes, H.; Corre, M.; Veldkamp, E.; Sauer, D. (2018) "Effects of oil palm cultivation on silicon pools in soils", EGU 2018, Vienna, Austria

  • von der Lühe, B.; Hughes, Corre, M.; Veldkamp, E.; H.; Sauer, D. (2017) "Biogenes Silizium auf stark desilifizierten Böden unter Ölpalmenanbau auf Sumatra, Indonesien", Annual meeting of the German Soil Science Society, Göttingen, Germany (poster presentation)

  • von der Lühe, B.; Dawson, L.; Mayes, R.; Graw, M.; Fiedler, S. (2015) "Lipid analysis in forensic pedology - results from recent research and case studies", Annual meeting of the German Soil Science Society, Munich, Germany (oral presentation)

  • von der Lühe, B. (2015) "Biomarker als Tool zur Beantwortung forensischer und archäologischer Fragestellungen", Lecture series "Archaeometry and Forensic Science: Equal techniques on different time scales", Johannes Gutenberg-University, Mainz (oral presentation)

  • von der Lühe, B.; Dawson, L.; Mayes, R.; Fiedler, S.; Graw, M. (2014) "Fatty acids and steroids - markers of human decomposition in soil" 1st Scottish Student Forensic Research Symposium, Glasgow, Scotland, UK (oral presentation)

  • von der Lühe, B.; Dawson, L.; Mayes, R.; Forbes, S.; Fiedler, S. (2013) "Die Extraktion von Fettsäuren und Steroiden aus Bodenproben zum Nachweis von tierischer Dekompositionsflüssigkeit", Annual meeting of the German Soil Science Society, Rostock, Germany (poster presentation)

  • von der Lühe, B.; Dawson, L.; Mayes, R.; Forbes, S.; Fiedler, S. (2012) "The preliminary investigation of animal sterols for the detection of decomposing bodies in soil", 6th European Academy of Forensic Science Conference 2012, The Hague, Netherlands (oral presentation)