M.Cp.0005 Integrated Management of Pests and Diseases (6 ECTS, 4 SWS)

Prof. Dr. A. v. Tiedemann, Prof. Dr. M. Rostas
Department of Crop Sciences, Division of Plant Pathology and Plant Protection, Agricultural Enomology
Type of instruction/contact hours
Frequency and duration
WiSe, one semester
Prof. Dr. A. v. Tiedemann, Prof. Dr. M. Rostas,

The integrated pest management concept and its main components are presented with regard to the management of fungal plant pathogens (A.v. Tiedemann) and insect pests (M. Rostas) in temperate zones. Preventive methods, the focused use of pesticides, the effect of cultural methods ( sowing date, soil preparation, fertilization, crop rotation, varieties) on occurrence, distribution and damage of plant pathogens and insect pests, the diagnostics and quantification of damage symptoms, prognosis systems are discussed.

Students will be able to understand and develop plant protection strategies for plant pathogens and insect pests taking into consideration crop production and cultural methods.They will understand the effect of crop production methods on the occurrence of plant diseases and insect pests and the concept of integrated pest management

Oral examination, 20 minutes

Maximum number of students
30 students