
Peer-reviewed articles:

  • HOHNWALD, S., PETRIŢAN, A., WALENTOWSKI, H., LEUSCHNER, CH., (2024): Mikroklimatische Messungen in Eichen-Buchen-Ökotonen der Rumänischen West-Karpaten. In: SSYMANK, A., RÖHLING, M., ELLWANGER, G., SCHEELE, S. (Eds.): Natura 2000 Waldlebensraumtypen im Klimawandel. Forschungsbedarfe und Möglichkeiten für Anpassungsstrategien, Management und Maßnahmen. BfN-Schriften 681, Bonn, Pages 59-67

  • LEUSCHNER, CH., HOHNWALD, S., PETRIŢAN, A., WALENTOWSKI, H. (2023): Vertical temperature and air humidity gradients in beech and oak forests, and the forest interior climate created by beech. Flora 152317

  • EWALD, J., SSYMANK, A., RÖHLING, M., WALENTOWSKI, H., HOHNWALD, S. (2022): Fauna-Flora-Habitat-Richtlinie und klimainduzierte Waldveränderung - ein Widerspruch? Natur und Landschaft 97(7): 340-345

  • XU, CH., KAPPAS, M., HOHNWALD, S., WYSS, D., LENCINAS, J. D., MOHR-BELL, D. (2021): Forest Wildfires at the Lago Epuyén, Patagonia, Argentina– Fire Frequencies and Degrees of the Last 35 Years. Geo-Öko XLII: 5-38

  • HOHNWALD, S. (2021): Bird composition of different valley habitats after land-use changes in Northern Honduras. Neotropical Biology and Conservation 16(1): 129-144

  • HOHNWALD, S., INDREICA, A., LEUSCHNER, CH., WALENTOWSKI, H. (2020): Microclimatic Tipping Points at the Beech-Oak Ecotone in the Western Romanian Carpathians, Forests 11(9): 919

  • WALENTOWSKI, H.,HOHNWALD, S., THREN, M., KAPPAS, M., LEUSCHNER, CH., LENCINAS, J.D., BAVA, J.O., LOGUERCIO, G., URRETAVIZCAYA, F., BARROTAEVENA,C., MARTÍNEZ PASTUR, G.J., ZERBE, S.(2020): Exemplary Knowledge Transfer Between Germany and Patagonia as Contribution to the Regional Achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030. Biomed J Sci & Tech Res 25(4): 19388-19391

  • HOHNWALD, S., KATO, O.R., WALENTOWSKI, H. (2019): Accelerating Capoeira Regeneration on Degraded Pastures in the Northeastern Amazon by the Use of Pigs or Cattle. Sustainability 11(6): 1729

  • WALENTOWSKI, H., HEINRICHS, S., HOHNWALD, S., WIEGAND, A., HEINEN, H., THREN, M., GAMARRA TORRES, O. G., SABOGAL, A. B., ZERBE, S. (2018): Vegetation Succession on Degraded Sites in the Pomacochas Basin (Amazonas, N Peru)- Ecological Options for Forest Restoration. Sustainability 10: 609; doi:10.3390/su10030609

  • GEROLD, G., COUTO, E.G., MADARI, B.E., JUNGKUNST, H.F., AMORIM, R.S.S., HOHNWALD, S., KLINGLER, M., MACHADO, P.L.O. de A., SCHÖNENBERG, R., NENDEL, C. (2018): Carbon-optimised land management strategies for southern Amazonia. Regional Environmental Change. doi: 10.1007/s10113-017-1268-4

  • SCHÖNENBERG, R., BOY, J., HARTBERGER, K., SCHUMANN, C., GUGGENBERGER, G., SIEBOLD, M., LAKES, T., LAMPARTER, G., SCHINDEWOLF, M., SCHALDACH, R., NENDEL, C., HOHNWALD, S., MEURER, K., GEROLD, G., KLINGLER, M. (2017): Methods of Inter- and Transdisciplinary Research a Trajectory of Knowledge Integration. Erdkunde 71 (3): 177-193

  • HOHNWALD, S., TRAUTWEIN, J., CAMARÃO, A.P., WOLLNY, C.B.A. (2016): Relative palatability and growth performance of capoeira species as supplementary forages in the NE-Amazon. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 218 (2016): 107-115

  • HOHNWALD, S., RISCHKOWSKY, B., KING, J.M., CAMARÃO, A.P., RODRIGUES FILHO, J.A., ZEPPENFELD, T. (2015): Intensive Cattle Browsing Did Not Prevent Fallow Recuperation on Smallholder Grass-Capoeira Pastures in the NE-Amazon. Agroforestry Systems 89(5): 813-828

  • HOHNWALD, S. (2014): Öko-dynamischer Wandel einer Avifauna in der Duisburger Rheinaue Werthauser Wardt in die Schlusswaldphase. GeoÖko 35: 122-151

  • KRUMMEL, T., HOHNWALD, S., GEROLD, G. (2011): Biologisch degradierte Rinderweiden und ihre agrarökologischen Regradationsmöglichkeiten für Kleinbauern in Nordost-Amazonien. In: COY, M., NEUBURGER, M. (HRSG.): Global Change: Herausforderungen für Lateinamerika. Innsbrucker Geographische Studien 38: 43-56

    C.B.A., CALANDRINI DE AZEVEDO, C.M.B, GEROLD, G. (2010): Degraded Pasture Expansion and Woody Enrichment Strategies for Pasture Fertility Preservation in the Bragantina Region, North-Eastern Amazon. Erdkunde, Vol. 64(1): 17-31

  • KUKKONEN, M., HOHNWALD, S. (2009): Comparing Floristic Composition in Treefall Gaps of Certified, Conventionally Managed and Natural Forests of Northern Honduras. Annals of Forest Science 6 (8): 809.

  • HOHNWALD, S. (2009): Bird Records From the Rural Landscape of Igarapé-Açu Municipality, Northeastern Pará. Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi. Ciências Naturais 4(2): 119-131

  • KRUMMEL, T., HOHNWALD, S., ERASMI, S., GEROLD, G. (2008): Satellite-based quantification of tree-dominated pasture degradation stages in north-eastern Pará, Brazil. GeoÖko 29: 217-242

  • KUKKONEN, M., RITA, H., HOHNWALD, S., NYGREN, A. (2008): Treefall gaps of certified, conventionally managed and natural forests as regeneration sites for Neotropical timber trees in northern Honduras. Forest Ecology and Management 255: 2163-2176

  • HOHNWALD, S., RISCHKOWSKY, B., CAMARÃO, A.P., SCHULTZE-KRAFT, R., RODRIGUES FILHO, J.A., KING, J.M. (2006): Integrating cattle into the slash-and-burn cycle on smallholdings in the Eastern Amazon: grass-capoeira pasture versus grass-legume pasture, Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 117 (4): 266-276

  • HOHNWALD, S., RISCHKOWSKY, B., SCHULTZE-KRAFT, R., RODRIGUES FILHO, J.A., CAMARÃO, A.P. (2005): Experiences with legumes as part of a ley pasture in a low input farming system of North-Eastern Pará, Brazil. Pasturas Tropicales 27: 2-12

  • HOHNWALD, S., RISCHKOWSKY, B., SCHULTZE-KRAFT, R., RODRIGUES FILHO, J.A., CAMARÃO, A.P. (2005): Experiences with legumes as part of a ley pasture in a low input farming system of North-Eastern Pará, Brazil. Tropical Grasslands 39: 236

  • HOHNWALD, S. (1999): Beiträge zum Mikroklima innerandiner Trockentäler Boliviens. Geoökodynamik 10: 211-229

  • KESSLER, M., HOHNWALD, S. (1998): Bodentemperaturen innerhalb und außerhalb bewaldeter und unbewaldeter Blockhalden in den bolivianischen Hochanden. Erdkunde 52: 54-62

  • HERZOG, S.K., KESSLER, M., MAIJER, S., HOHNWALD, S. (1997): Distributional notes on birds of Andean dry forests in Bolivia. Bull. B.O.C. 117: 3-13

Books and book chapters:

  • HOHNWALD, S. (2016): Secondary Vegetation for Sustainable Silvo-Pastoral Systems in the Humid Neotropics. Habilitationsschrift. Georg-August-University of Göttingen, Göttingen

  • HOHNWALD, S., GEROLD, G. (2016): Forschungskooperation: Carbiocial- Deutsch-brasilianische Forschungskooperation eines ökologischen Großprojektes in Südamazonien. In: GATE-Germany (Eds.): Hochschulmarketing in Brasilien. Die Dynamik des brasilianischen Bildungsmarktes und seine vielfältigen Möglichkeiten für deutsche Hochschulen. Schriftreihe Hochschulmarketing volume 11, W. Bertelsmann Verlag, Bonn, Bielefeld, pages117-122

  • HOHNWALD, S., GEROLD, G. (2014): Carbon-Optimized Land Management Research for the Southern Amazon- Geographical and Organizational Settings of the Carbiocial-Carbioma Project Consortium. In: GEROLD, G. et al. (Eds.): Interdisciplinary Analysis and Modeling of Carbon-Optimized Land Management Strategies for Southern Amazonia. Universitätsverlag Göttingen, Göttingen, p. 7-18

  • GEROLD, G., JUNGKUNST, H.F., WANTZEN, K.M., SCHÖNENBERG, R., AMORIM, R.S.S., COUTO, E.G., MADARI, B., HOHNWALD, S. (Eds.) (2014): Interdisciplinary Analysis and Modeling of Carbon-Optimized Land Management Strategies for Southern Amazonia. Universitätsverlag Göttingen, Göttingen, 174 pages

  • HOHNWALD, S. (2014): TK25 4320 Willebadessen und TK25 4321 Borgholz. In: Gedeon, K. et al.: Atlas of German Breeding Birds. Stiftung Vogelmonitoring Deutschland und Dachverband Deutscher Avifaunisten, Münster, Germany

  • HOHNWALD, S. (2003): TK25 4705 Willich; TK25 4506 Duisburg. In: WINK, M., DIETZEN, C, GIEßING, B. (2005; HRSG.): Die Vögel des Rheinlandes. Atlas zur Brut- und Wintervogelverbreitung 1990-2000. Beiträge zur Avifauna Nordrhein-Westfalens. Band 36, Bonn, Germany

  • HOHNWALD, S. (2002): A Grass-Capoeira Pasture Fits Better Than a Grass-Legume Pasture in the Agricultural System of Smallholdings in the Humid Brazilian Tropics. Cuvillier Verlag Göttingen, Germany, ISBN 3-89873-614-8, 136 pages

  • HOHNWALD, S. RISCHKOWSKY, B., CAMARÃO, A.P., RODRIGUES FILHO, J.A. (2003): Pastagem com Regeneração da Capoeira ou Pastagem Consorciada com Leguminosas: Possibilidades de Integração da Pastagem no Ciclo Agrícola Tradicional na Zona Bragantina, Pará, Brasil. in: TOURRAND, J.F., VEIGA, da J.B. (eds.): Viabilidade de Sistemas Agropecuários na Agricultura Familiar da Amazônia. Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, Belém, Pará, Brazil. p. 135-144.

Congress abstracts (posters & oral presentations):

  • HOHNWALD, S., LEUSCHNER, CH., WALENTOWSKI, H., PETRIŢAN, A. (2023): Vapour Pressure Deficits in Mixed Beech and Oak Forests of the Western Carpathians, Romania. Macroecology and Biogeography Meeting. May 4th and 5th 2023, University of Bayreuth

  • WALENTOWSKI, H., TEODOSIU, M., INDREICA, V. A., PETRIŢAN, A., ÖDER, V, KASPER, J., WILDHAGEN, H., HOHNWALD, S., BERGMEIER, E., LEUSCHNER, CH. (2018): Nemoral deciduous forests under climatic extremes: ecosystem adaptations along climatic gradients in SW Romania and Central Germany (NEMKLIM), International Scientific Conference „Forest Science for a Sustainable Forestry and Human Wellbeing in a Changing World”, INCDS „Marin Drăcea”, 85 Years of Activity, Centenary of The Great Union, September 18th-21th 2018, Bucharest, Romania

  • HOHNWALD, S. (2017): Birds in the Agro-Scapes of Northern Brazil. Oral presentation on 11.10.2017, African Asian Studies Promotion Association (AASF), Göttingen

  • HOHNWALD, S. (2017): Folgen des Prognostizierten Landnutzungswandels an der BR-163 im Südlichen Amazonien auf die Avifauna. Presentation on AK Biogeographie 2017, Erlangen

  • GEROLD, G & S. HOHNWALD (2015): Carbon sequestration, biodiversity and social structures in Southern Amazonia: models and implementation of carbon-optimized land management strategies (carbiocial). 7th German-­Brazilian Symposium for Sustainable Development. Book of abstracts, p. 155, Heidelberg, Germany

  • HOHNWALD, S. (2015): Avifaunistic Change From a Gravel Pit to a Frequently Disturbed Riparian Forest at the Lower Rhine in Duisburg. Poster at the GfÖ annual meeting, Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland, Göttingen, Germany

  • HOHNWALD, S. (2014): Carbiocial- O Futuro da Amazônia do Sul: Resultados sobre aspectos ecológicos e socio-económicos. Oral presentation at the FAMATO Institute, Cuiabá, Brazil

  • HOHNWALD, S. (2014): Land Use Change and Carbon Optimization in the Southern Amazon ? Modelling the Future of the Cerrado and Amazon Biomes. Oral presentation at the International Summer School at the Federal University of Viçosa- Florestal, Minas Gerais, Brazil

  • HOHNWALD, S. (2014): Innovative Biodiverse Agro-Silvo-Pastoral Systems for Brazilian Smallholdings. Oral presentation at the International Summer School at the Federal University of Viçosa- Florestal, Minas Gerais, Brazil

  • HOHNWALD, S. (2014): International Cooperation and Research Projects of the Faculty of Geoscience and Geography, Georg-August University of Göttingen. Oral presentation at the International Summer School at the Federal University of Viçosa- Florestal, Minas Gerais, Brazil

  • HOHNWALD, S. (2014): Modelando o Futuro da Amazônia do Sul: Primeiros Resultados do Projeto Carbiocial Sobre Aspectos Ecológicos e Socio-Económicos. Oral presentation at the institute NAEA of the UFPA-University, Belém, Brazil

  • HOHNWALD, S. (2013): Oportunidades Para Intercâmbios com Universidades Alemães no Projeto Carbiocial. Oral Presentation on the academic exchange ferry "Feiners" at the university of Mato Grosso, UFMT, Cuiabá, Brazil

  • HOHNWALD, S. (2013): Carbon-Optimized Land Management Strategies for Southern Amazonia, Oral Presentation on the 6th German-Brazilian Symposium, Santarém, Brazil

  • GEROLD, G. & S. HOHNWALD (2013): The Carbiocial Project: Modelling and Implementing Carbon-Optimised Land Use Strategies for the Southern Amazonia. Oral Presentation on the GTÖ-conference 2013, p. 53, Vienna, Austria

  • HOHNWALD, S. (2013): Remnant Forest Bird Species and Invaders in the Rural Landscape of the Bragantina Region, NE-Amazon. Oral Presentation on the GTÖ-conference 2013, p. 38, Vienna, Austria

  • GEROLD, G. & S. HOHNWALD (2012): Models and Implementation of Carbon-Optimised Land Management Strategies in Southern Amazonia: Carbiocial. Oral Presentation on the Tropentag 2012, book of abstracts, p. 510, Göttingen, Germany

  • HOHNWALD, S. (2011): The Belém Area of Endemism - An Ornithological Update. Oral Presentation at the Latin America Symposium 2011, 17.-18th December 2011, Bonn, Germany

  • HOHNWALD, S., TRAUTWEIN, J., CAMARAO, A.P., GEROLD, G & C.B.A. WOLLNY (2010): Biomass Production and Relative Palatability of Possible Supplementary Forage Plants of the Northeastern Amazon. Tropentag 2010, oral presentation, book of abstracts, p. 418. Zurich, Switzerland

  • LE MELLEC, A., RAVN, H. P., REINHARDT, A., ROLAND, J., VOGT-ALTENA, H., KORCZYNSKI, I., HICKE, J., HOHNWALD, S., CERMÁK, J., NADEZHDINA, N., POKORNY, J., KARG, J. & B. ZELLER (2010): Insect Mass Outbreaks- An Increasing Risk of Losing Biodiversity and Carbon in Forests? In: Biodiversity and Climate Change: Achieving the 2020 Targets, CBD Technical Series No. 51, 90-91. Nairobi, Kenya

  • HOHNWALD, S. (2010): Woody Components on Degrading Cattle Pastures in the NE-Amazon- Damages and Benefits. Presentation on 19.01.2010 at the Institute of Landscape Ecology, Westfalien Wilhelms-University of Muenster, Germany

  • HOHNWALD, S., KUKKONEN, M., RITA, H., NYGREN, A. (2009): Timber Regeneration in Treefall Gaps of Certified, Conventionally Managed, and National Park Forests in Northern Honduras. Book of Abstracts. Deutscher Tropentag 2009, p. 311, Hamburg, Germany

  • HOHNWALD, S. (2009): Sheep and Cattle Grazing Behavior in a Phytodiverse Environment. Book of Abstract, Sino-German Tibetan Rangeland Ecosystem Research Symposium, 20-26 July 2009, p. 42, Lanzhou, China

  • HOHNWALD, S., RODRIGUES FILHO, J.A., WOLLNY, C.B.A., GEROLD, G. (2009): Sheep or Cattle Browsing Does not Endanger Fallow Vegetation in an Innovative Agro-Silvo-Pastoral System for Smallholder Farmers. Book of Abstracts, 2nd World Conference of Agroforestry, 23-28 August 2009, World Agroforestry Centre, UNEP, p. 227-228, Nairobi, Kenya

  • HOHNWALD, S., KATO, O.R., GEROLD, G. (2009): Ecological Services of Pigs and Cattle for Forest Fallow Restoration on Biologically Degraded Pastures in the North-Eastern Amazon. Book of Abstracts, GTÖ-Tagung, Marburg, Germany

  • HOHNWALD, S. (2009): Vogelgemeinschaft eines kleinbäuerlichen Betriebes in der Agrarlandschaft NE-Amazoniens. Jahrestreffen des AK Biogeographie im VGDH, 15.-16.5.2009, Bayreuth, Germany

  • HOHNWALD, S. (2008): Bird Community of a Smallholding in the Densely Settled Rural Landscape of the Bragantina Region, Northeastern Amazon. Lateinamerika-Symposium, 12./13. December 2008, Bonn, Germany

  • KRUMMEL, T., BANZHAF, A., HOHNWALD, S., ERASMI, S., GEROLD, G (2008): Expansion of oil palm plantations and their impact on biodiversity and climate change in north-east Pará, Brazil. Precop 9: UN - Conference "Biodiversity Research - Saveguarding The Future", Bonn, Germany

  • KRUMMEL, T., HOHNWALD, S., ERASMI, S., GEROLD, G (2008): Degraded pasture expansion and its linkage to modelling climate change in north-eastern Pará, Brazil. 10. Österreichischer Klimatag, Vienna, Austria

  • HOHNWALD, S., KATO, O.R., WOLLNY, C.B.A., GEROLD, G. (2008): Woody enrichment of degrading pastures in the north-eastern Amazon – options to avoid, to renovate and to recuperate pastures. 21st Annual Meeting, Society for Tropical Ecology (GTÖ), University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany

  • KRUMMEL, T., HOHNWALD, S., ERASMI, S., GEROLD, G (2008): Satellite-based quantification of different degradation stages through capoeira encroachment on pastures in North-east Pará, Brazil. 21st Annual Meeting, Society for Tropical Ecology (GTÖ), University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany

  • KRUMMEL, T., HOHNWALD, S., ERASMI, S., GEROLD, G (2007): Satellitenbildgestützte Landnutzungsklassifikation mit Change Detection in der Zona Bragantina, Nordostamazonien (Brasilien). Jahrestreffen AK Biogeographie, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany

  • KUKKONEN, M., RITA, H., HOHNWALD, S., NYGREN, A. (2007): Treefall gaps of certified forests as regeneration sites for Neotropical timber. Oral presentation and abstract at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Tropical Biology and Conservation, 15.-19.7.2007, Morelia, Mexico

  • HOHNWALD, S, CAMARÃO, A.P., RODRIGUES FILHO J.A., WOLLNY, C.B.A. (2006): Palatability comparison of capoeira, forage legume, and other woody species in a cafeteria trial in Northeastern Pará, Eastern Amazon. Deutscher Tropentag, Bonn, Germany

  • HOHNWALD, S, ACIOLI DE ABREU, E., DA VEIGA, J.B., WOLLNY, C.B.A. (2006): Performance of bushy forage legumes in dynamic smallholder pasture systems of Northeastern Amazon, Brazil, Deutscher Tropentag, Bonn, Germany

  • HOHNWALD, S., RISCHKOWSKY, B., RODRIGUES FILHO, J.A., CAMARÃO, A.P., SCHULTZE-KRAFT, R., KING, J.M. (2005): Experiences with legumes as part of a ley pasture in a low input farming system of the Eastern Amazon, Brazil. In: O'MARA, F.P., WILKINS, R.J., T'MANNETJE, L., LOVETT, D.K., ROGERS, P.A.M., BOLAND, T.M. (eds.): XX International Grassland Congress: Offered papers, Wageningen Academic Publishers, p. 343, Wageningen, The Netherlands.

  • HOHNWALD, S, RISCHKOWSKY, B., CAMARÃO, A.P., SCHULTZE-KRAFT, R., RODRIGUES FILHO J.A., KING, J.M. (2003): The partial regeneration of secondary vegetation will renew the cropping cycle better than the inclusion of forage legumes on grazed cattle pasture in Eastern Amazonia. IX World Conference on Animal Production and XVIII Reunião Latinoamericana de Produção Animal, Porto Alegre, Brazil

  • CAMARÃO, A.P., RODRIGUES FILHO, J.A., VEIGA, DA J.B., RISCHKOWSKY, B., HOHNWALD, S., SCHULTZE-KRAFT, R. (2003): Performance of Pastures Enriched with Secondary Vegetation or Forage Legumes as Alternatives to Traditionally Managed Grass Pastures in Northeastern Pará, Brazil. Book of Abstracts of the Deutsche Tropentag 2003, October 8-10, at the Georg-August-University of Göttingen, Germany, p. 288

  • RISCHKOWSKY, B., HOHNWALD, S., KREYE, C., SCHULTZE-KRAFT, R., CAMARÃO, A.P., KING, J.M. (2003): Degraded Pastures in the Brazilian Eastern Amazon: Smallholder Management Leads to High Phytodiversity. Proceedings of the XXI. International Rangeland Congress Durban, South Africa

  • HOHNWALD, S., CAMARÃO, A.P., RODRIGUES FILHO, J.A., RISCHKOWSKY, B. (2002): Botanical Composition and Quality of Enriched Traditional Pastures in Northeastern Pará, Brazil. In: LIEBEREI, R., BIANCHI, H., BOEHM, V. & C. REISDORFF (eds.): Neotropical Ecosystems, Proceedings of the German-Brazilian Workshop, GKSS-Geesthacht, Session 6: 349-350, Hamburg, Germany

  • HOHNWALD, S., RISCHKOWSKY, B., CAMARÃO, A.P., SCHULTZE-KRAFT, R. (2002): Impact of cattle browsing on the regrowing secondary vegetation in Eastern Amazonian pastures. Tagungsband der 15. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Tropenökologie (gtö), p. 117, Göttingen, Germany

  • CAMARÃO, A.P., RODRIGUES FILHO, J.A., RISCHKOWSKY, B., LEANDRO GOMES MENDONÇA, C., HOHNWALD, S. (2002): Disponibilidade de Forragem, Composição Botânica e Qualidade da Pastagem de Capim Quicuio-da-Amazônia sob três Condições. 39a Renunião Anual da Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia. Recife, Brazil

  • CAMARÃO, A.P., RODRIGUES FILHO, J.A., RISCHKOWSKY, B., HOHNWALD, S. (2001): Botanical composition and quality of enriched and traditional pastures in northeastern Pará, Brazil, Deutscher Tropentag, Bonn, Germany

  • HOHNWALD, S., RISCHKOWSKY, B., CAMARÃO, A.P., RODRIGUES FILHO, J.A., VIELHAUER, K., SCHULTZE-KRAFT, R., KING, J.M. (2000): From Monotonous to Enriched Bushy Pastures- A Study to Replace the Traditional Smallholder's Management (Pará, Brazil), SHIFT-Workshop, Hamburg, Germany

  • CAMARÃO, A.P., RODRIGUES FILHO, J.A., RISCHKOWSKY, B., HOHNWALD, S. (2000): Botanical composition and quality of enriched and traditional pastures in northeastern Pará, Brazil, Poster, SHIFT-Workshop, Hamburg, Germany

  • CAMARÃO, A.P., RISCHKOWSKY, B., RODRIGUES FILHO, J.A., SIEGMUND-SCHULTZE, M., HOHNWALD, S. (1999): A integração da pecuária bovina no ciclo da capoeira na agricultura tradicional do nordeste do Pará. In: Seminário de Encerramento do Projeto SHIFT-Capoeira, Fase 2: Manejo da Vegetação Secundária para a Sustentabilidade da Agricultura Familiar da Amazônia Oriental, EMBRAPA Amazônia Oriental, 08.-09.09.1999, Poster 33, Belém, Brazil

Co-Supervised Theses (selection):

  • HILLER, M. (2018): The Meaning of Climate Change on Conflicts in the Sahel. The Example of Mali. B.Sc thesis. Georg-August-University of Göttingen

  • NEBLIK, H. (2018): Green Cities in the Era of Urbanisation- Possibiities and Limits of Sustainable Development- the Example of the City of Växjö, Sweden. B.Sc thesis, Georg-August-University of Göttingen

  • KOEPKE, J.R. (2016): Biogeographic conflicts in the Sandaun Province, PNG. B.Sc thesis, Georg-August-University of Göttingen

  • NAGEL, S. (2016): Impacts of the location on the pollen composition of honey in NW-Germany. B.Sc thesis, Georg-August-University of Göttingen

  • BRINKMEIER, S. (2014): The snow leopard in "area of conflict" with men-environment: Geographical aspects for problems, causes and solutions. B.Sc. thesis, Georg-August-University of Göttingen

  • GRÜNING, M. (2014): Pedohydrologischer Vergleich dreier Kleinsteinzugsgebiete mit unterschiedlicher Landnutzung (Cerradovegetation, Weide, Soja/Mais-Anbau) in der Cerradoregion Zentralbrasiliens (Cuiabá). M.Sc. thesis, Georg-August-University of Göttingen

  • GRÜNING, M. (2011): Bodendichte unter Cratylia argentea und Flemingia macrophylla auf degradierten Rinderweiden in Nordost-Amazonien. B.Sc. thesis, Georg-August University of Göttingen

  • SCHLÜTER, M. (2011): Ökologische Serviceleistungen von Nutztieren bei der Vegetationsöffnung degradierter Weideflächen im nordöstlichen Amazonasgebiet. B.Sc. thesis, Georg-August-University of Göttingen

  • ACIOLI DE ABREU, E.M. (2011): Estabelecimento de leguminosas e atributos físicos, quimicos e biológicos do solo sob influência de diferentes manejos de pastejo em Igarapé-Açu, Estado do Pará. Ph.D. thesis, Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia- UFRA, Belém

  • KRUMMEL, T. (2009): Satellite-based quantification of different degradation stages on pastures in NE-Pará, Brazil. German Staatsexamen, Göttingen

  • KÄLD, C.E. (2006): Forest certification in Honduras – Does certification promote tree diversity and timber tree regeneration? M.Sc. thesis, Faculty of Biosciences, Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Helsinki

Photos in Handbooks:

  • Two photos in MIKKOLA, H. (2012): Owls of the World- A Photographic Guide. Bloomsbury. Christopher Helm, London

  • Six photos in ERRITZØE, J., MANN, C.F., BRAMMER, F.P., FULLER, R.A. (2012): Cuckoos of the World. Helm Identificatin Guide. Christopher Helm, London

  • One photo in KIRWAN, G., GREEN, G. (2011): Cotingas and Manakins. Helm Identificatin Guide. Christopher Helm, London

Update: May 2020