Jan Bethge
M. A. in Sociology and Economics at Georg-August-University,
“Social Consequences of Inflation. Economic Rationality vs. Real World Behaviour"

Heike Koch

Oliver Nachtwey
Economics (Diplom), Hamburg
Social Justice in the Age of Globalisation and Anti-Globalisation: The Dilemma of the ‘Third Way’

Claudia Paul
Law study (Diplom – Juristin), Georg-August-Universtiy Göttingen
Consumer protection in civil law

Geny Piotti
Does social capital make the difference? Existence und creation of social capital in two economically weak european regions: Eastern Germany und Southern Italy.

Steve Schwarzer
National Policies under European Pressure – Factors of Europeanization in the field of gender policy

Peter Schwarz

Carin Siefken
Social Science (Diplom), Georg-August-University
“Determinants of paternal behavior in families after parental relationship breakdown within the context of different social models. A comparison of Germany and Sweden"

Tim Spier
Right-Wing Populist Electorates in Western Europe - A Comparative Analysis of the so-called 'Modernisation Loser'-Thesis

Stefan Wiese
Urban and Regional Planning (Diplom), Berlin
Market, state, hierarchy, and community as forms of the institutional governance in European housing provision systems