Inhalt / Contents 2015

Band / Volume 36

  • Jürgen Schmidt, André Steinz & Marcus Schindewolf:
    Assessing topsoil heavy metal contaminations due to former mining activities.
    Geo-Öko: 05 - 22.

  • Leif Kullman:
    Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) treeline ecotone performance since the mid-1970s in the swedish scandes - Evidence of stability and minor change from repeat surveys and photography.
    Geo-Öko: 23 - 53.

  • Volker Kaminske:
    Die Veränderung des Waldes durch natürliche Sukzession und Klimawandel.
    Geo-Öko: 54 - 69.

  • Schwandt in Band 34, 3-4/ 2013 (S. 233- 277).

    Band / Volume 36

  • Peter Liebelt et al.:
    Causes, consequences and opportunities of the post-Soviet land use changes in the forest-steppe zone of Bashkortostan.
    Geo-Öko: 77 - 111.

  • Insa Kühling, Yuliana Griewald, Gabriele Broll & Dieter Trautz:
    Potential of land-use intensity analysis for sustainable land management scenarios in Southern West Siberia.
    Geo-Öko: 112 - 132.

  • Maria Störrle, Hans-Jörg Brauckmann & Gabriele Broll:
    Livestock manure management in agroecosystems of southwestern Siberia, Russia .
    Geo-Öko: 133 - 154.

  • Vera Tekken & Susanne Stoll-Kleemann:
    Effects of socioeconomic transformation processes in traditional rice landscapes in Vietnam and the Philippines.
    Geo-Öko: 155 - 174.