
Archiving the Lineages of Indian Nationalism Through Dance, Dancers and Performance c. 1920-1950

Title of the event Archiving the Lineages of Indian Nationalism Through Dance, Dancers and Performance c. 1920-1950
Series Musikwissenschaftliches Kolloquium SoSe 2019
Organizer Musikwissenschaftliches Seminar
Speaker Prof. Dr. Uma Chakravarti
Speaker institution Miranda House, University of Delhi
Type of event Vortrag
Category Forschung
Registration required Nein
Date Start: 12.06.2019, 18:00 Uhr
Ende: 12.06.2019 , 19:30 Uhr
Location Accouchierhaus (Kurze Geismarstraße 1)
Contact +49-(0)551/39-25072
External link http://www.uni-goettingen.de/de/605864.html