HeKKSaGOn: German-Japanese University Consortium

HeKKSaGOn Convictions & Commitments

  • Long-standing and solid relations between Japan and Germany are essential
  • Long-lasting successful collaboration amongst research institutions is imperative
  • Major global problems can only be solved by interdisciplinary and international cooperation in research and by the open and free exchange of knowledge
  • Changes in one part of the world have effects in other parts
  • It is the responsibility of the scientifically and technologically advanced nations to find solutions domestically and internationally for the betterment of the world

HeKKSaGOn-GPDS Data Science Summer School 2024


Dr. Tanja Falkowski
Göttingen International

Von-Siebold-Straße 2
Room 1.116
37075 Göttingen
Email: tanja.falkowski@zvw.uni-goettingen.de
Phone: 0551 39-21334
