
History of Chinese Students and Scholars Association in Göttingen

哥廷根中国学生学者联合会的历史可以追溯到1922年的一位中国学生 - 魏时珍(魏嗣銮),后成为中国著名的数学家。他是学生会前身“哥廷根中国留学生会”的第一任主席。20年代哥廷根的外国留学生不少,其中20%是中国人。1923年朱德(中国元帅)来到哥廷根学习社会学,并担任了第二届的学生会主席,向德国人民介绍中国的情况,争取德国人民对中国民主革命的同情。哥廷根警察局的档案,曾记载他们向警方提出游行并散发传单的申请,传单的题目叫《中国发生了什么事情?》。至今为止,学生会已诞生99年了。

The history of Chinese Students and Scholars Association in Göttingen (CSSAG) dated back to 1922, a chinese student - Siluan Wei, who became famous as mathmatician in China. In year 1923, the founder of People's Liberation Army of People's Repblic of China, Marshal Zhude, became student of University of Göttingen and lead CSSAG. He was the pioneer to introduce China to the residences of Göttingen, and fighted for the understanding and support of Germans to the republic revolution in China. Today, the association nearly reached her 99th birthday.


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