Publications Relevant to the Field

Anning, A., Chesworth, E. and Spurling, L. (2005) The Quality of Early Learning, Play and Childcare Services in Sure Start Local Programmes, NESS/2005/FR/009, Nottingham: DfES.

CAS (Centre d’analyse stratégique) (2008) La responsabilisation des parents. Une réponse à la délinquance des mineurs, Perspectives internationales, Actes du colloque Paris.

Churchill, H. and Clarke, K. (2010) ‘Investing in parenting education: A critical review of policy and provision in England’, Social Policy & Society 9 (1), pp. 39-53.

Clarke, K. (2006) ‘Childhood, parenting and early intervention: A critical examination of the Sure Start national programme’, Critical Social Policy 26 (4), pp. 699–721.

Daly, M. (2010) ‘Shifts in family policy in the UK under New Labour’, Journal of European Social Policy 20 (5), pp. 433-43.

Donzelot, J. (1977) La police des familles, Paris: édition de Minuit.

DfEE (1999) Sure Start: A Guide to Evidence-based Practice, Nottingham: DfEE.

DfES (Department for Education and Skills) (2001) Making a Difference for Children and Families, Nottingham: DfES.

DfES (Department for Education and Skills) (2003) Children’s Centres – Developing Integrated Service for Young Children and their Families, Nottingham: DfES.

Gillies, V. (2005) ‘Meeting parents’ needs? Discourses of ‘support’ and ‘inclusion’ in family policy’, Critical Social Policy 25 (1), pp. 70-90.

Hassenteufel, P. and Martin, C. (2000) ‘Comparer les politiques publiques au prisme des groupes d’intérêt: le cas des associations familiales en Europe’, Revue internationale de politique comparée 7 (1), pp. 21-51.

Hamel, Marie-Pierre, Lemoine, Sylvain with Martin, C. (2012) Aider les parents à être parents: Le soutien à la parentalité, une perspective internationale, Paris: Centre d’analyse stratégique.

Henricson, C. (2003) Government and Parenting. Is there a case for a policy review and a parents’ code? York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

HMT (2003) Every Child Matters, Cm5860, Norwich: HMSO.

HMT, DfES (Department of Education and Skills), DWP and DTI (Department of Trade and Industry) (2004) Choice for Parents, the Best Start for Children: A Ten Year Strategy for Childcare, London: The Stationery Office.

Lewis, J. (2011) ‘From Sure Start to Children’s Centres: An analysis of policy change in English early years programmes’, Journal of Social Policy, 40 (1), pp. 71-88.

Lewis, J., Roberts, J. and Finnegan, C. (2011) ‘Making the transition from Sure Start Local Porgrammes to Children’s Centres, 2003-2008’, Journal of Social Policy, 40 (3), pp. 595-612.

Martin, C. (2003) La parentalité en questions. Perspectives sociologiques: rapport pour le Haut Conseil de la Population et de la Famille, Paris: La Documentation Française.

Martin, C. (2006) ‘La parentalité : une question politique’, in D. Coum (ed) La famille change-t-elle ? Ramonville: Editions Erès, pp. 59-70.

Martin, C. (2005) Childhood as a policy target, published on the Wellchi network (PCRD 6 framework) website.

Martin, C. (2010) ‘The Reframing of Family Policy in France: Actors, Ideas and Instruments’, Journal of European Social Policy, 20 (5), pp. 410-421.

Martin C., Le Bihan, B. (2008) ‘Public Childcare and Preschools in France. New Policy Paradigm and Path Dependency’, in K. Scheiwe and H. Willekens (eds) Childcare and Preschool Development in Europe: Institutional Perspectives, London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 57-71.

Martin, C. (2013): The Invention of a Parenting Policy in the French Context: Elements for a Policy Tracing, in J. G. Ferrer, I. Monsonís Payá (eds) Sustainability and Transformation in European Social Policy, Peter Lang Publishing, pp. 179-197. [This paper is based on the PolChi research]

NESS (National Evaluation of Sure Start) Research Team (2005) Early Impacts of Sure Start Local Programmes on Children and Families, Research Report 13, Nottingham: DfES.

NESS (National Evaluation of Sure Start) Research Team (2008) The Impact of Sure Start Local Programmes on Three Year Olds and Their Families, Research Report 027, Nottingham: DCSF.

Mulgan, G., Ali, R., Halkett, R. and Saunders, B. (2008) Sure Start, London: Social Innovation eXchange.