Student Group Linguistics

The representation of the students at the Institute for Linguistics is taken care of by the Fachgruppe Sprawi. There is a mailing list for all topics concerning the department. In this list we distribute the minutes of the group meetings and further relevant information for students.

Join the FG Sprawi list here!

The Fachgruppe can be reached via instagramm as well: @fg_sprawi_goe

Active members

The following fellow students are currently active in the group:

Jannes Winkler (Fachgruppensprecher)
Anna Pessarrodona Marfà (BA)
Jette Ohrdorf (BA)
Joshua Osvaldo Estefan Kalempouw (BA)
Lea George (BA)
Evelyn Ovsjannikov (MA)
Florian Fischer (MA)
Hendrik Pigola (MA)


Do you want to join us? Then come and strengthen the group! The group can be reached at any time for further questions about the study or the seminar at the following email address:

fg_sprawi_goe (att) gmx (dott) de