Convex analysis

In the time from february 11th. until June 14th. 2012 PD Dr. Radu Ioan Bot gave an intensive course consisting of three lectures and exercises about "Statistical Issues in Sparse Recovery". The lecture took place in the Seminarraum of the Institute of Numerical and Applied Mathematics (MN 55).



    • Mo 11.06.2012 16:00 Uhr
      Thema: Convex analysis: basics, conjugation and duality
      Ort: NAM-SR
      Slides des Kurses

    • Mi 13.06.2012 14:00 Uhr
      Thema: Proximal methods in convex optimization
      Ort: NAM-SR
      Slides des Kurses

    • Do 14.06.2012 14:00 Uhr
      Thema: Convex regularization techniques for linear inverse problems
      Ort: NAM-SR