Katharina Lukoschek

Born 1984. 2004 - 2001: Studied Modern German Literature, Ancient History and Political Science at the Universities of Erlangen-Nuremburg and Lisbon. Summer Semester 2011, graduation with a Master's thesis on the topic of Tragicomedy. Construction of a combinatorial procedure including a typology through attempts to explicate comedy and tragedy 2009-2012 Student- and research assistant as well as tutor under Prof. Dr Erika Greber and Prof. Dr Dirk Kretschmar at the department of German Studies and Comparative Studies at the University of Erlangen-Nuremburg. 2012-2013 Associated member of the inter-university doctoral program "Theory and Methodology of Philological Science and its History" from the Universities of Göttingen and Osnabrück. From 2012 Member of the Courant Research Centre "Text Structures".


  • Erzählte Welten. Interdisziplinäre Zugriffe auf Mögliches und Unmögliches. (Tagungsbericht: Welten erzählen. Narrative Evokation des (Un)Möglichen, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, 14.-16.06.2012) In: JLTOnline (21.7.2012).
  • Zur Kodifizierung der Wissenspoetologie. (Rezension zu Literatur und Wissen. Ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch , hg. v. Roland Borgards/ Harald Neumeyer/ Nicolas Pethes/ Yvonne Wübben, Stuttgart 2013). In: JLTOnline (13.12.2013).
  • Der nüchterne Blick und die apollinische Dimension des Alkohols. Hauptmanns Vor Sonnenaufgang und Zolas L'Assommoir. In: Bernauer, Markus/ Gemmel, Mirko (Hg.): Realitätsflucht und Erkenntnissucht - Alkohol und Literatur, Berlin 2014, S. 91-114.
  • Rezension zu Literatur und Digitalisierung, hg v. Christine Grond-Rigler/Wolfgang Straub, Berlin/Boston 2013. In: ZfG NF 25.3 (2015), S. 694-696.
  • Literary Devices of Conveying Knowledge. In: Epistémocritique 15 (2015).
  • Zur "Neuerfindung" der Literaturkritik [Rezension zu Literaturkritik heute. Tendenzen - Traditionen - Vermittlung, hg. v. Heinrich Kaulen/ Christina Gansel, Göttingen 2015. In: IASL Online (10.05.2016).
  • Literarische Welten in der text world theory: Zur Beschreibbarkeit von Immersion am Beispiel eines Ausschnittes aus Truman Capotes Other Voices, Other Rooms. In: Bartsch, Christoph/ Scheeren, Christiane (Hg.): Welten erzählen. Narrative Evokation des (Un-) Möglichen, Paderborn [im Druck].

Project: Forms of Communication concerning Literature on the Internet
My dissertation project pursues the question primarily, which different forms of exchange about literature are to be found on the internet. In doing this I wish to get past the widely used matrices of lay and expert cultures or rather Amazon and feuilleton style critique and also take into account such possibilities of communication which have only had little attention in the context of literary critical internet research: social reading, blogs, literature forums, fan fiction, crowd funding and others.
In connection with this I draw on two literary sociological models which complement each other due to their micro or macro focus, Siegfried J Schmidt's model of action roles and Pierre Bourdieu's field theory. Assuming a descriptive appraisal of the specifics of the aforementioned communication forms I will update these approaches by adding to them with internet specific aspects.