Development of a material and energy flow models for bioenergy villages considering several objectives

The Optimization of local heating and power plant capacities allows a cost efficient planning and implementation of decentralized bioenergy villages.

In the past years an increasing number of decentralized energy supply systems are operating. So-called bioenergy villages are an extreme example for decentralized energy supply. These villages produce 100% of the consumed electricity and at minimum 50% of the needed heat energy by themselves. The heat energy should be produced as combined heat and power to increase the overall efficiency of the plant. The central topic of the dissertation is the modelling and optimization of the energy production and distribution system.
To achieve this objective a material and energy model shall be designed, which reflects the reality under consideration of the given parameters. At the same time the model shall be able to optimize the decisions of location and dimension of the plant as well as the run of the heating network economically.
The parameters being considered can be very manifold. At the one side there legal frameworks and laws have to be considered, which regulate the building and the operation of the biogas plants and block type power stations. As well the subsidies of the amend EEG 2012 and the KWK law have to be viewed, to receive an economic significant result.
Social influences can occur because of different acceptance of the population for biogas plants. When choosing the possible locations the side constraints like the minimum distance to populated areas have to be taken into account. But also for the building and dimensioning of the local heating the potential willingness of the neighbors have to be considered.
Technical aspects also play an important role. The local heating network shall be built as efficient and competitive as possible. If necessary additional boilers have to be installed, to cover the peak load of a heating period or to cover during a blackout of the local heating.
Not at least the ecological conditions have to be considered, which can have influence on the available biomass. Beside the farming conditions and crop rotations the development of the climate can be significant, because soil conditions and rainfall have high influence on the yields of the growers and thus also on the available biomass.
Under consideration of all parameters a model shall be developed, which optimizes the decentralized energy supply with the help of the integer linear optimization. The location of the biogas plants and CHP shall be chosen at its best. At the same time the network routes of the local heating is optimized, taking into consideration the profitability of the potential connected heat consumers. At the end the model is tested and validated by applying on a real example and viewing at the different scenarios.

  • Karschin, I. (2015): Entwicklung eines Netzwerk-Standort-Modells für die ökonomische Optimierung lokaler Nahwärmesysteme. Dissertation at the DFG Research Training Group 1703 "Resource Efficiency in Interorganizational Networks". Cuvillier, Göttingen. (Link)