Registration for the Practical Course

General Information

  • To participate in the practical course, prior registration for a small group is required!

  • Detailed information about the small group allocation will be provided during the orientation week.

Late Registration for the Practical Course

What should I do if I missed the small group allocation?

  • Please send an email to including

    • Your matriculation number, as well as

    • a desired date with available capacities

      (please check the result of the small group allocation in advance for available slots)

  • Please note:

    • Emails with incomplete information will not be processed!

    • Subsequent changes to small groups are not possible for organizational reasons!


Business Information Systems

Chair of Application Systems and E-Business

M.Ed. in Business Education with a Second Subject in Computer Science

Leonie Kopahs

Platz der Göttinger Sieben 5

37073 Göttingen

Room MZG 5.123

Tel. +49 551 39-29737