
Jonas Stehl

Current Position

Doctoral Researcher, University of Goettingen, RTG 2654 Sustainable Food Systems, Subproject B2 Food systems and nutrition-related diseases (Prof. Vollmer)

Research Interests

  • Development Economics
  • Health Economics
  • Nutrition
  • Food Security
  • Environmental Economics
  • Population Economics
  • Economics of Conflict

Discussion Papers

  • Stehl, J., Vonderschmidt, A., Vollmer S., Alexander, P. & L. Jaacks (2024). Assessing self-sufficiency: analyzing the gap between national food production and food-based dietary guidance. (download as PDF)
  • Stehl, J., Depenbusch, L., & S. Vollmer (2023). The global income gap to a healthy diet (No. 293). Discussion Papers. (download as PDF)

Ongoing Projects

  • Chakravarty, S., Lundberg, M., Stehl, J. & J. Zenker. Business or job skill training? Experimental evidence from young women in Liberia.
  • Stehl, J., Sibhatu, K., Jaacks, L. & S. Vollmer. Food Sourcing and Household Dietary Diversity in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Evidence from National Representative Surveys across 44 Countries.
  • Squarcina, M., Hänsch, J., Montoya Cepeda, F. M., Pallauf, M., Paz, B., Stehl, J., Wehner, J. & M. Wollni. Farmers’ resilience using a food system approach: conceptualization and empirical application.

  • Education

    • Master of Science in Development Economics, University of Göttingen, Germany
    • Thesis Title: Dietary Intake and Anthropometric Failure in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Macro Perspective

    • Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and Economics, University of Passau, Germany
    • Thesis Title: World War II, Sex Role Attitudes, and Female Labor Market Participation

    Professional Experience

    • Student research assistant at Chair of Development Economics (Prof. Fuchs), University of Göttingen, Germany
    • Student research assistant at Chair of Development Economics / Centre for Modern Indian Studies (CeMIS) (Prof. Vollmer), University of Göttingen, Germany
    • Internship, Ndibwami Integrated Rescue Project, Masaka, Uganda


    • STATA
    • R
    • LaTeX
    • QGIS (basic)
    • ODK (basic)


    • German
    • English
    • Spanish (basic)
    • French (basic)
    • Qualification in Latin