Call for Application - currently only for virtual exchange

We would like to promote more collaboration between academic and non-academic institutions within Mexico, Mexico's neighbouring countries and Germany. Therefore, we especially invite German alumni* living in Mexico and its neighbouring countries to participate in the programme. Alumni from other Central and Latin American countries who are working or have worked in Mexico are also welcome to apply.

Please apply if you are a researcher, practitioner, lecturer, postdoc or PhD student working in the field of agroforestry or biodiversity in Central and Latin America.

If you have not yet studied or worked in Germany or had one of the DAAD Scholarships, but you would like to join the new network to participate in online webinars, please apply for the virtual exchange.

Application procedure

Your application (in English language) should emphasize your motivation and personal / professional benefit for your participation. You should illustrate how you are planning to imply the gained knowledge and what possible stakeholders for collaboration you may identify for your professional career.

Please conduct your online application via the Application Form below
Once you see your submitted data listed, your submission has been successful.


Dear Applicant, thank you for your interest in the Alumni Seminar. Please carefully fill in all fields of the application. Only then your form will be sent successfully and shown on the same page after pressing the button "Formular absenden".

Form of address (Mrs./Mr./none): *
Academic Title (Dr., Prof.)
First name(s) as in passport *
Family name as in passport *
Current address (street + number) *
Postal code
City *
Country *
Date of birth (day/month/year) *
Email address *
Telephone No. (optional)

Status as alumna/alumnus

proof of stay in Germany (alumni = min. 3 months in G) *
German host university
Duration of stay at host university
Type of scholarship/funding in Germany (Bachelor, Master, PhD, research, study tour etc.)
Funding organisation (DAAD, AvH, Univ. etc.)
Former financial support from DAAD received, e.g. scholarship, funding program or other DAAD funded activities:

Current position

Working sector (please use one of these terms: politics, science, business, NGO)
Current organisation/company/institution
Department (if existing)
Current position

Alumni Seminars in Mexico

Special interest concerning the seminar and virtural exchange *
What are you currently working on? *
Language skills *

Your motivation

What do you expect to learn during the alumni seminar and virtual exchange? *
What topics related to the seminar are of special interest to you?
How are you planning to imply the results of our discussions into your present and upcoming projects?
What stakeholders are you planning to work with in the near future?
How will you personally and professionally benefit from the participation?
I want to participate in Seminar 1 in Mexico, August 2024
I want to participate in Seminar 2 in Mexico, March 2025
I only want to participate virtually not in the seminars
By pressing the button FORMULAR ABSENDEN I apply for the seminar in January 2022 at the Georg-August-University of Göttingen, Germany. I hereby confirm that the above information is correct.

After you have submitted the application, you will find a confirmation on the same webpage showing all data you entered. If you then in addition send the necessary pdf via email, you will receive a confirmation email from me.
Best regards Simone Pfeiffer

By submitting this form, you confirm that you have read and accept our Privacy Policy.

* Mandatory field


Dr. Simone Pfeiffer

Head of project

Buesgenweg 1, Room 0.105
37077 Goettingen
E-Mail: email
Phone: +49 (0)551 39 23909