Performance-based allocation of funds

Performance-based allocation of funds (Leistungsorientierte Mittelvergabe, LOM) takes place at various different levels. At state level, Göttingen University is allocated funds by the State of Lower Saxony according to a formula applied by the state for its public universities. Ten per cent of state support is allocated among the universities via a complex computation procedure involving performance indicators covering the areas of research, teaching and gender equality. The University of Göttingen then passes on this reallocation (in terms of profit or loss) to its faculties on the basis of internal calculations.

In addition, further specific internal LOM systems are applied within Göttingen University for research and teaching in the faculties. To do justice to the specific subject cultures, each faculty has developed its own LOM procedures for research and teaching. The university administration stipulates that about one percent of the total faculty budget is distributed (including staff costs) through LOM.

The performance measurement procedures of the Faculty of Economic Sciences draw on two performance parameters: while ‘LOM Research’ is based on publications and third-party funding performance, ‘LOM Teaching’ assesses performance in terms of teaching scope and quality. The data is integrated into the calculations retrospectively, taking into account the previous three years. Technical implementation of the schemes is carried out via the FACTScience software.