Poetry Reading by Kate Daniels
We are excited to announce a poetry reading by Kate Daniels (Vanderbilt University).
Kate Daniels is Professor of English and Director of Creative Writing at Vanderbilt University. She is the recipient of many awards, among them Best American Poetry 2010 and 2008. She has published several collections of poetry, including A Walk in Victoria's Secret (2010), Three Syllables Describing Addiction (2018), and In the Months of My Son's Recovery (2019). Her often lengthy, narrative poems engage themes of working-class experience, family, trauma, racism, and Southern culture. In Nashville, and other communities, she uses creative writing as an aspect of treatment for and recovery from drug addiction by teaching workshops on Writing for Recovery.
The talk will take place on Monday, July 08 at 7:30 p.m. in SEP 0.244 (Medienraum). For further information, please see here.