
    Iturrizaga, L. (accepted 30.05.2014): "Glacial and glacially-conditioned lake types in the Cordillera Blanca, Perú: A spatio-temporal conceptual approach". In: Progress in Physical Geography.

    Iturrizaga, L. (2013): Alternative genetic models to Lliboutry's explanation of
    the crooked tongue of the Jatunraju glacier (Parón valley, Cordillera Blanca, Perú). In: Bollettino di Geofisica teorica ed applicata. An International Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol. 54, Supplement 2, 268. ISSN 0006-6729.

    Iturrizaga, L. (2013): Bent glacier tongues: A new look at Lliboutry's model of the evolution of the crooked Jatunraju glacier (Parón valley, Cordillera Blanca, Perú). In: Geomorphology, 198, 147-162.

    Iturrizaga, L. (2012): Hummocky debris landforms in the Chapursan Valley (Karakoram range, Pakistan): A glaciogeomorphological investigation. In: Geomorphology, Vol. 169 -170, 1-16.

    Iturrizaga, L. (2012): Gletscherseen und ihr regionales Gefahrenpotential in der Himalaya-Region. In: Geographische Rundschau, Themenheft "Himalaya Region", (Hrsg. M. Nüsser), Heft 4, 18-25.

    Seehausen, L., Freund, H. & L. Iturrizaga (2011): Entwicklung der künstlichen Dünen im Pirolatal auf Langeoog- sedimentologische und vegetationskundliche Untersuchungen. In: Karius, Hadler, Deicke, von Eynatten, Brückner & Vött (eds.): Dynamische Küsten- Prozesse, Zusammenhänge und Auswirkungen. Coastline Reports 17, 167- 176.

    Iturrizaga, L. (2011): Paraglacial landform transformation In: Singh, V.P., Singh, P., Haritashya, U.K. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Snow, Ice and Glaciers, Springer, 817-824.

    Iturrizaga, L. (2011): Lateroglacial. In: Singh, V.P., Singh, P., Haritashya, U.K. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Snow, Ice and Glaciers, Springer, 704.

    Iturrizaga, L. (2011): Lateroglacial landform systems. In: Singh, V.P., Singh, P., Haritashya, U.K. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Snow, Ice and Glaciers, Springer, 704-708.

    Iturrizaga, L. (2011): Glacier lake outburst floods. In: Singh, V.P., Singh, P., Haritashya, U.K. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Snow, Ice and Glaciers, Springer, 381-399.

    Iturrizaga, L. (2011): Ablation depression. In: Singh, V.P., Singh, P., Haritashya, U.K. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Snow, Ice and Glaciers, Springer, 1-3.

    Iturrizaga, L. (2011): Trends in 20th century and recent glacier fluctuations in the Karakoram Mountains. In: Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie Vol. 55, Suppl. 3, 205-231.

    Iturrizaga, L. (2009c): Lateroglacial landforms in subtropical high mountains: A case study from the Karakoram and Hindukush Mountains. In: Bierman, P. & P. Montgomery (Eds.): Key Concepts in Geomorphology,

    Iturrizaga, L. (2009b): Glacier lake outburst cascades and secondary temporary lake formations in the Hindukush Mountains. In: Bierman, P. & P. Montgomery (Eds.): Key Concepts in Geomorphology,

    Iturrizaga, L. (2009a): The formation of talus cones and scree slopes as result of the paraglacial landscape transformation in the Aconcagua-Massif (Argentina) and the Marmolejo Massif (Chile). In: Wörner, G. & S. Möller-McNett. International Lateinamerika Kolloquium, 144-146.

    Iturrizaga, L. (2008c): Die Talschaft Chapursan - Zur Frage der geomorphologischen Genese von Schutthügellandschaften im Zusammenhang mit historischen Siedlungslandzerstörungen. In: Berichte zur Geowissenschaft, Shaker Verlag Aachen, 116 S.
    Order Shaker Verlag

    Iturrizaga, L. (2008b): Post-sedimentary transformation of lateral moraines: The tributary tongue basins of the Kvíárjökull (Iceland). In: Journal of Mountain Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 1.

    Iturrizaga, L. (2008a): Paraglacial landforms in the Karakoram Mountains (Pakistan). In: Geomorphology, 95, Issues 1-2, 27-47.

    Iturrizaga, L. (2007): Die Eisrandtäler im Karakorum: Verbreitung, Genese und Morphodynamik des lateroglazialen Sedimentformenschatzes. In: Geography International, Shaker Verlag, 389 S.
    Order: Shaker Verlag

    Iturrizaga, L. (2006b): Transglacial sediments in the Karakoram (Pakistan) - A case study from the Shimshal Valley. In: H. Kreutzmann (Hrsg.), Karakoram in Transition, Oxford University Press, 96-108.

    Iturrizaga, L. (2006a): Key forms for reconstructing glacier dams, glacier lakes and outburst floods. Historical ice-dammed lakes in the Karambar valley, Hindukush (Pakistan). In: Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, Supplementband 142, 361-388.

    Iturrizaga, L. (2005e): Historical ice-dammed lakes in the Karambar valley, Hindukush (Pakistan). In: GeoJournal, Tibet and High Asia (VII): Glaciogeomorphology and Former Glaciation in the Himalaya and Karakorum, (ed. M. Kuhle), Vol. 62, no. 3-4, 1-47.

    Iturrizaga, L. (2005d): The historical Saklei Shuyinj and Chateboi glacier dams as trigger for lake outburst cascades in the Karambar valley (Hindukush) In: Island Arc, Vol. 14, No. 4, 389-399.

    Iturrizaga, L. (2005c): New observations on glacier lake outbursts in the Shimshal valley. In: Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, vol. 25, 545-555.

    Iturrizaga, L. (2005b): Paraglacial (transglacial) landscapes in the Karakoram (Pakistan). In: Samuel Etienne (Ed.): Shifting lands. New insights into periglacial geomorphology. Collection "Géoenvironnement", Editions Mélanie Séteun, 22-23.

    Iturrizaga, L. (2005a): Rekonstruktion von historischen Eisstauseen und Gletscherseeausbrüchen im Karambar-Tal (Hindukusch-Karakorum). In: Berliner Geographische Arbeiten 100, 9-18.

    Iturrizaga, L. (2004): Ice-dammed lakes in the Karakoram-Hindukush-Mountains (Pakistan): Geomorphological impacts of glacier lake outburst floods in the Karambar valley. In: Himalayan Journal of Sciences, Vol. 2, Issue 4, Special Issue, The 19th Himalaya-Karakoram-Tibet Workshop, Niseko, Hokkaido, Japan, 160-161.

    Iturrizaga, L. (2003): The distribution and genesis of lateroglacial valleys in the Karakoram Mountains (Pakistan). In: Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie N.F., Suppl.-Bd. 130, 51-74.

    Iturrizaga, L. (2002): Der Pumari Chhish-Gletschersurge (Karakoram, Pakistan). In: Terra Nostra, Schriften der Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung 2000/6, 128-133.

    Iturrizaga, L. (2001): Lateroglacial valleys and landforms in the Karakoram Mountains (Pakistan). In: GeoJournal, Tibet & High Asia VI (Ed. M. Kuhle), Glacio-geomorphology and prehistoric Glaciation in the Karakorum and Himalaya. Vol. 54 (2-4), 397-428.

    Iturrizaga, L. (2000b): Postglacial Debris Accumulations in the Karakorum and Himalayas. In: Zheng Du & Zhu Liping (ed.), Formation and Evolution, Environmental Changes and Sustainable Development on the Tibetan Plateau. Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, Xining/China 1998, 74-83.

    Iturrizaga, L. (2000a): The distribution of debris accumulations in the Rakhiot Valley, Nanga Parbat-N-Side (Pakistan). In: Miehe, G. & Zhang Yili (eds.), Environmental Changes in High Asia. Proceedings of an International Symposium at the University of Marburg. Marburger Geographische Schriften Heft 135, 28-39.

    Iturrizaga, L. (1999b): Typical debris accumulation forms and formations in High Asia. A glacial-history-based concept of the origin of Postglacial debris accumulation landscapes in subtropical high mountains with selected examples from the Hindu Kush, the Karakoram and the Himalayas. In: GeoJournal, Tibet and High Asia V, vol. 47, 277-339.

    Iturrizaga, L. (1999a): Die Schuttkörper in Hochasien - Eine geomorphologische Bestandsaufnahme und Typologie postglazialer Hochgebirgsschuttkörper im Hindukusch, Karakorum und Himalaya. In: Göttinger Geographische Abhandlungen Band 106, 326 S.

    Iturrizaga, L. (1998c): Preliminary Results of Field Observations on the Typology of Postglacial Debris Accumulations in the Karakorum and Himalaya Mountains. In: Stellrecht, I. (Ed.): Karakorum-Hindukush-Himalaya: Dynamics of Change. Rüdiger Köppe Verlag Köln (=Culture Area Karakorum, Scientific Studies, Vol. 4, Part 1), 71-98.

    Iturrizaga, L. (1998b): Glacier Induced Hazards as a Consequence of Glacigenic Mountain Landscapes, Ice-Dammed Lake Outbursts and Holocene Debris Production. In: Kalvoda, J. & C. Rosenfeld: Geomorphological Hazards in High Mountain Areas. The GeoJournal Library. 63-96. (zusammen mit M. Kuhle & S. Meiners)

    Iturrizaga, L. (1998a): Gletscher als Existenzgrundlage und Gefährdungspotential für die Hochgebirgssiedlung Shimshal im Nordwestkarakorum. In: Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, Bd. 3/4, Vol. 142, 233-239, Justus Perthes Verlag Gotha.

    Iturrizaga, L. (1997b): The Valley of Shimshal - A Geographical Portrait of a Remote High Mountain Settlement And Its Pastures with reference to environmental habitat conditions in the North West Karakorum. In: M. Kuhle (Ed.): GeoJournal, Tibet and High Asia IV, vol. 42, 2/3, July, 305-328.

    Iturrizaga, L. (1997a): Glacier outburst floods threatening the settlement Shimshal (North-West-Karakorum). In: Mahanta, K.C. (Ed.), People of the Himalayas, Journal of Human Ecology, Special Issue No. 6, 69-76.

    Iturrizaga, L. (1996): Über das Naturgefahrenpotential für die Hochgebirgssiedlung Shimshal (3080m), Nord-West-Karakorum. In: Die Erde, 127, Heft 3, 205-220.

    Iturrizaga, L. (1994): Das Naturgefahrenpotential in der Talschaft Shimshal, NW-Karakorum. Diplomarbeit an der Universität Göttingen, 2 Bände, 210 S.


    Iturrizaga, L. (accepted): A genetic typology of glacial lakes in regard to their hazard potential in the Cordillera Blanca (Peru). 8th IAG International Conference on Geomorphology - August 27th to 31st, 2013 in Paris.

    Iturrizaga, L. (accepted): Last Glacial Maximum to Holocene glacial and paraglacial landscape reconstruction in the Cachapoal valley (Southern Central Andes, 34°22'S/70°05'W). 8th IAG International Conference on Geomorphology - August 27th to 31st, 2013 in Paris.

    Iturrizaga, L. & R. Charrier (2013): Surging glaciers in the Dry Central Andes of Chile: The case example of the Cachapoal glacier (34°S). EGU General Assembly 2013, Wien. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 15, EGU2013-2320,

    Iturrizaga, L. (2013): Gletschersurges in den trockenen Zentralanden von Chile: Das Fallbeispiel des Cachapoal-Gletschers (34°S). AK Hochgebirge Bonn, Abstract volume "Hochgebirge im Globalen Wandel", 27.

    Iturrizaga, L. (2012): 20th century glacier changes with regard to the formation of
    glacier lakes and their hazard potential in the Central Andes. Abstract Volume of Public-open Symposium - Global warming and world glacier change. Institute of Mountain Science, Shinshu University, Matsumoto, Japan.

    Iturrizaga, L. (2012): Regional-specific differences in the formation of glacier lakes and their hazard potential in the Central Andes. 8th Alexander von Humboldt International Conference, Cuzco, Lima. Abstract volume, p. 17.

    Iturrizaga, L. (2012): The giant hummocky debris landscape in the Chapursan valley (Karakoram Mountains, Pakistan): Glacial-geomorphological investigations of its formation in regard to settlement devastations. Abstract Volume of International workshop NATURAL HAZARDS IN MOUNTAINS: LESSONS TO BE LEARNED in Vladikavkaz, Russland (18-20 September 2012).

    Iturrizaga, L. (2012): Glacial landform assemblages in the catchment area of the upper Quitarasca valley (Cordillera Blanca, Perú). Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 14, EGU2012-13653. EGU General Assembly 2012, Wien.

    Iturrizaga, L. (2012): Reinterpretation of the formation of the "crooked moraine" of the debris-covered Hatunraju Glacier (Cordillera Blanca, Perú). In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 14, EGU2012-6082. EGU General Assembly 2012, Wien.

    Iturrizaga, L. (2011): Glacial landform systems at high mountain glaciers in the Cordillera Blanca (Peru). Regional Geographic conference (UGI 2011) of the International Geographic Union (IGU) to be held on 14th - 18th November 2011 at the Military School in Santiago, Chile.

    Iturrizaga, L. (2011): End moraine assemblages in the Dry and Tropical Andes. Abstract Volume of the XVIII INQUA Congress, Bern.

    Iturrizaga, L. (2011): Talus cones as key landforms for reconstructing the extent of former glaciations. Abstract Volume of the XVIII INQUA Congress, Bern.

    Iturrizaga, L. (2011): End moraine systems in the context of catastrophic and gradual processes in the Central Andes (33°-34°S). In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 13, EGU2011-8669, EGU General Assembly 2011, Wien.

    Iturrizaga, L. (2009): Recent development of glacial lakes in the Karakoram and Himalayas and their specific hazard potential. 7th International Conference on Geomorphology in Melbourne (Australia).

    Iturrizaga, L. (2009): The frost-weathering paradigma: Talus cones as glacial landforms in the Andes and the Karakoram. 7th International Conference on Geomorphology in Melbourne (Australia).

    Iturrizaga, L. (2009): Glacial lakes in the Hindukush-Karakoram Mountains and their hazard potential. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 11, EGU2009-8062-1, EGU General Assembly 2009, Wien.

    Iturrizaga, L. (2009): The hummocky debris landscape in the Chapursan valley (Karakoram). In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 11, EGU2009-8441, EGU General Assembly 2009, Wien.

    Iturrizaga, L. (2009): Künstliche Gletscher im Hindukusch-Karakorum und in Ladakh. Tagungsband der 18. Jahrestagung des AK Hochgebirge, Interdisziplinarität als Herausforderung für die Hochgebirgsforschung, 12.

    Iturrizaga, L. (2008): Trends in historical and modern glacier fluctuations in regard to the consequences for oases settlements in the Karakoram Mountains. 31st International Geographical Congress in Tunis. 12-15.08.2008, Abstract Resumees, 191.

    Iturrizaga, L. (2008): Rezente Gletscherschwankungen im Karakorum. 3. Mitteleuropäische Geomorphologietagung, Kompetenzen und Herausforderungen; Salzburg, 23.-28.09.2008, Tagungsband, 41.

    Iturrizaga, L. (2008): Paraglacial landscape transformation in the Andes of Mendoza: Talus cones and scree slopes as glacially-controlled landforms. Fourth EGU Alexander von Humboldt International Conference, The Andes: Challenge for Geosciences, Santiago de Chile, November 24-28, 2008, Abstract Volume, 69-70.

    Iturrizaga, L. (2007): Paraglacial landscape transformation in High Asia: New insights from the Hindukush and Karakoram Mountains. In: Quaternary International, Volumes 167-168, Supplement 1, INQUA 2007 Abstracts, 189.

    Iturrizaga, L. (2007): Trends in historical and modern glacier fluctuations in the Karakoram Mountains. In: Quaternary International, Volumes 167-168, Supplement 1, INQUA 2007 Abstracts, 189.

    Iturrizaga L. (2007): Historical and recent glacier variations in the Karakoram Mountains. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 9, 05470, 2007 EGU General Assembly 2007 Wien.

    Iturrizaga, L. (2006): Trends in historical and recent glacier variations in subtropical high mountain areas: Case examples from the Karakoram Mountains in respect to the glacier dynamics in the Aconcagua-/Juncal Massifs (Andes). Abstract volume of the PAGES (Past Global Changes)-Symposium in Malargüe, Mendoza, Argentinien (Reconstructing Past Regional Climate Variations in South America over the late Holocene: A new PAGES Initiative), 04.-07.10.2006.

    Iturrizaga, L. (2005): Paraglacial (transglacial) landscapes in the Karakoram (Pakistan). In: Samuel Etienne (Ed.): Shifting lands. New insights into periglacial geomorphology. Collection "Géoenvironnement", Editions Mélanie Séteun, 22-23.

    Iturrizaga, L. (2005): Geomorphologische Landschaftsrekonstruktion im Chapursan-Tal: Zur Genese von proglazialen Schutthügellandschaften ("hummocky moraine landscapes"): In: Abstraktband des Arbeitskreises für Geomorphologie, Jahrestagung in Berlin 07.10.2005.

    Iturrizaga, L. (2004): The reconstruction of historical glacier dams and the geomorphological impact of glacier outburst floods in the Karambar valley (Hindukush-Karakoram Mountains). In: The 4th International Symposium on the Tibetan Plateau, August 4-7, 2004, Lhasa, China, 105-106.

    Iturrizaga, L. (2004): Rekonstruktion gletschergedämmter Seen und geomorphologische Auswirkungen von Gletscherseeausbrüchen im Karambar-Tal (Karakorum/Hindukusch). Abstrakt-Band, 30. Tagung des AK Geomorphologie in Heidelberg, S. 60.

    Iturrizaga, L. (2003): The transglacial debris landscape in High Asia: Are talus cones a key form of the periglacial landscape assemblage- In: Abstract volume of the XVI INQUA Congress, July 23-30, Reno, Nevada, 113.

    Iturrizaga, L. (2002): Glacier lake outbursts in the Shimshal valley (Karakoram Mountains, Pakistan). In: Proceedings of the 17th Himalaya Karakorum Tibet-Workshop in Gangtok, Sikkim (India).

    Iturrizaga, L. (2001): Recent and fossil ice-marginal sediments along the Hispar Valley and implications for the extent of glaciation. In: Transactions, Japanese Geomorphological Union, Volume 22, No. 4, Special Issue on the Fifth International Conference on Geomorphology. C-110.

    Iturrizaga, L. (2000): Recent and fossil ice-marginal sediments along the Hispar valley and implications for the extent of glaciation. In: Abstract Volume of the Symposium & Field Workshop on Quaternary Glaciation in Monsoonal Asia, Chengdu (June 5-18, 2000), INQUA Commission on Glaciation, 9.

    Iturrizaga, L. (2000): 1.) Biogenic weathering forms on granite boulders along the Hispar glacier (Karakorum). 2.) The origin of postglacial debris accumulations in the Karakoram from a glacio-geomorphological perspective. In: Abstract Volume "Weathering 2000", School of Geography, Queen's University Belfast, 26.

    Iturrizaga, L. (1999a): On the close connection between postglacial debris accumulations and the Late glacial glaciation history with case examples from subtropical mountain regions in High Asia (Hindukush and Karakoram Mountains). In: Book of Abstracts. XV. INQUA Congress. The Environmental Background to hominid evolution in Africa. Durban, South Africa 87.

    Iturrizaga, L. (1999b): The tight link between postglacial debris accumulations and the Late Glacial glaciation history in the Karakoram. In: Sobel, E. (Ed.), Terra Nostra 99,2, Schriften der Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung, Köln, 14thHimalaya-Karakoram-Tibet-Workshop, no. 2, 75.

    Iturrizaga, L. (1998): Principles of the transformation of debris accumulations since the Late Glacial Deglaciation in High Asia (Hindukush, Karakoram & Himalayas) and their characteristic forms. In: Abstract Volume of the International Symposium on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, 21.07.-24.07.1998, Xining, China, 21.

    Iturrizaga, L. (1997): Geomorphologische Befunde zu einer Typologie von postglazialen Schuttkörpern in Hochasien (Karakorum und Himalaya). Abstraktband des Jahrestreffens der Arbeitsgruppe Hochgebirgsökologie, Göttingen, 05.-07.06.1997.

    Iturrizaga, L. (1996): Geomorphologische Untersuchungen zur Landschaftsentwicklung in repräsentativen Gebirgen Hochasiens vom Hochglazial bis heute - Ihre paläoklimatsiche Auswertung und Bedeutung für das Naturgefahrenpotential (zusammen mit M. Kuhle & S. Meiners). In: Abstraktband des Jahrestreffens der Arbeitsgruppe Hochgebirgsökologie in Bonn, 11.-12.05.1996.

    Iturrizaga, L. (1995a): The evolution of debris accumulations in response to the former glaciation in the Karakorum and Himalaya. In: Terra Nostra, Schriften der Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung 2/95, XIV. INQUA Congress in Berlin, 03.-10.08.1995, 242.

    Iturrizaga, L. (1995b): The persistence of debris accumulations in the Karakorum and Himalaya considering changing climatic conditions. In: Abstract Volume of the Culture Area Karakorum-International Symposium: Dynamics of Change, Islamabad, 29.09.-02.10.1995, 24-25.