
Peer Reviewed

  • PHAN THANH NOI, MARTIN KAPPAS and JAN DEGENER (2016): Estimating Daily Maximum and Minimum Land Air Surface Temperature Using MODIS Land Surface Temperature Data and Ground Truth Data in Northern Vietnam - Remote Sensing 8(12), 1002 doi:10.3390/rs8121002

  • YI LI, JAN DEGENER, MATTHEW GAUDREAU, YANGFAN LI, MARTIN KAPPAS (2016): Adaptive capacity based water quality resilience transformation and policy implications in rapidly urbanizing landscapes. - Science of The Total Environment doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.06.110

  • HONG QUANG NGUYEN, JAN DEGENER and MARTIN KAPPAS (2015): Flash Flood Prediction by Coupling KINEROS2 and HEC-RAS Models for Tropical Regions of Northern Vietnam. - Hydrology doi:10.3390/hydrology2040242

  • DULAMSUREN, C., KLINGE, M., DEGENER, J., KISHIGJARGAL, M., CHENLEMUGE, T., BAT-ENEREL, B., YERUULT, Y., SAIN-DONDOV, D., GENBAATAR, K., TSOGTBAATAR, J., LEUSCHNER, Ch. & HAUK, M. (2015): Carbon pool densities and a first estimate of the total carbon pool in the Mongolian forest-steppe. - Global Change biology doi:10.1111/gcb.13127

  • DEGENER, JF (2015) Atmospheric CO2 fertilization effects on biomass yields of 10 crops in northern Germany. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 3:48, 10.3389/fenvs.2015.00048

  • DEGENER, JF; KAPPAS, M. (2015) Differences in biomass yield development of early, medium, and late maize varieties during the 21st century in Northern Germany. Environmental Sciences Europe 2015, 27:10, doi:10.1186/s12302-015-0042-9

  • KAPPAS, M., PROPASTIN, P., DEGENER, J., RENCHIN, T. (2015) Inter-comparison and evaluation of the global LAI product (LAI3g) and the regional LAI product (GGRS-LAI) over the area of Kazakhstan. Remote Sens. 2015, 7(4), 3760-3782; doi:10.3390/rs70403760

Vorträge & Poster

  • KAPPAS, M., PROPASTIN, P., DEGENER, J., RENCHIN, T. (2014), Inter-comparison and Evaluation of the Global LAI Product (LAI3g) and the Regional LAI Product (GGRS-LAI) over the Area of Kazakhstan, AGU Fall Meeting 2014, Poster

  • DEGENER, J. , KAPPAS, M.; BAUBÖCK, R. (2014), Biomass Yield Development of different maize varieties (early, medium, late) in the 21 st century in northern Germany, CropM International Symposium and Workshop, Oslo, Norway, Poster

  • DEGENER, J. (2014), High-Resolution modeling of climate change impacts on the agricultural potential of Lower Saxony, Germany, GLP 2nd Open Science Meeting 2014, Berlin, Vortrag

  • DEGENER, J. (2013), Auswirkung des regionalen Klimawandels auf die Biomasseerträge Niedersachsens, Deutscher Geographentag 2013, Passau, Vortrag

  • DEGENER, J. (2013) Auswirkung des regionalen Klimawandels auf die landwirtschaftlichen Biomasseerträge Niedersachsens, KLIFF-Tagung 2013, Göttingen, Vortrag


  • VOVA, O, KAPPAS, M, RENCHIN, T., DEGENER, J. (2015) Land degradation assessment in Gobi-Altai Province. Proceedings of the Mongolian Rangelands Conference MOR2

  • DEGENER, J. (2013) Auswirkungen des regionalen Klimawandels auf die Entwicklung der Biomasseerträge ausgewählter landwirtschaftlicher Nutzpflanzen in Niedersachsen. Göttingen, Univ. Diss. Online Ressource