Project description C2 - Project completed

Scientific advisors
Prof. Dr. R. Marggraf, Dr. J. Barkmann

Preferences for forest-based biodiversity and ecosystem
insurance services in the Hainich National Park region (Thuringia, Germany)

As a source of ecosystem services, people benefit in many ways from Hainich National Park. We investigated economic preferences (“willingness-to-pay”, WTP) of the local population for four forest ecosystem services, particularly for biodiversity-based insurance services. Following the ecological insurance hypotheses (Yachi and Loreau 1999), we investigated WTP for insurance effects against known and unknown ecological risks (Pythia and Pandora risks; WBGU 1998).
If respondents stating ‘0’ WTP (6.62 %) are considered, WTP results in different values for carbon sequestration, control of invasive species, and increased ecosystem resilience towards pests, storms and unknown risks, The WTP lies between 10 and 30€.
Results of factor analysis indicate that respondents clearly distinguish threat and coping appraisal as components of protection motivation towards risks.


Choice Experiments belong to the stated preference methods. Respondents are asked to make a choice between different options of ecosystem services. For analysis of stated preference data, we use nested logit (NL) models for maximum likelihood estimation (NLOGIT 3.0). This means among others, the models estimate how likely respondents choose specific levels of ecosystem services in relation to the other services and levels.

Further information on Sandra Rajmis (click here)