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International Conference "Border Narratives - Brexit, Europe, and the UK"

Titel der Veranstaltung International Conference "Border Narratives - Brexit, Europe, and the UK"
Veranstalter Dr. Lars Klein (EMJMD Euroculture), PD Dr. Kirsten Sandrock (British Literature and Culture)
Referent/in Astrid Fellner (Saarbrücken), Barbara Korte und Christian Mair (Freiburg), Katharina Rennhak (Wuppertal), Kristian Shaw (Lincoln), Cris Shore (Goldsmith’s), among others.
Veranstaltungsart Konferenz
Kategorie Forschung
Anmeldung erforderlich Ja
Beschreibung The DFG-funded international conference "Border Narratives" will look at "Brexit, Europe, and the UK" from a range of disciplines and perspectives. Keynote speakers are Astrid Fellner (Saarbrücken), Barbara Korte und Christian Mair (Freiburg), Katharina Rennhak (Wuppertal), Kristian Shaw (Lincoln), Cris Shore (Goldsmith’s).

Borders have played a decisive role in the Brexit referendum. The decision to leave or remain in the EU was often framed in the national media as a border referendum and political scientists agree that the vote gives evidence to widespread public opposition to open border policies in the UK. The conference Border Narratives: Brexit, Europe, and the UK seeks to shed light on these issues from a literary and cultural studies perspective. We are particularly interested in investigating narratives of borders in relation to Brexit and the ways in which recent border debates interact with greater historical, cultural, and epistemological border stories.

Guiding conference questions are: How are the UK's borders negotiated in literary and cultural works? Is there a particular border aesthetics in recent works of art? How do material, political, geophysical and economic contexts feature in border narratives? And, vice versa, how do border narratives become relevant for the larger political, economic, and ideological context? Where can the field of border studies help theorizing border narratives in Europe and the UK, and where are other tools necessary for this context?
Zeit Beginn: 05.05.2021, 15:30 Uhr
Ende: 07.05.2021 , 15:00 Uhr
Ort Via Zoom (Anmeldung via Website erforderlich)
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