Wir bitten um Entschuldigung
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We acknowledge support from the following sources:
Research Unit FOR 5522 (DFG):
"Quantum thermalization, localization, and constrained dynamics with interacting ultracold atoms"
SFB 1073 (DFG):
"Atomic scale control of energy conversion" (Project B09)
Research Unit FOR 2414 (DFG):
"Artificial Gauge Fields and Interacting Topological Phases in Ultracold Atoms" (1 Doctoral position)
In the past, we participated in these coordinated grants:
Research Unit FOR 1807 (DFG):
"Advanced Computational Methods for Strongly Correlated Quantum System" (1 Doctoral position)
DFG Research Unit FOR 912:
"Coherence and relaxation properties of electron spins"
DFG Research Unit FOR 801:
"Strong Correlations in Multiflavor Ultracold Quantum Gases"