“New paths and challenges for the labor market of the 21st century”


9. - 12. September 2012, Göttingen

Call for Papers

The Annual Congress of the Verein für Spocialpolitik consists of two parts, one with invited papers and one with contributed papers. Invited papers address the topic: “New paths and challenges for the labor market of the 21st century”. Contributed papers have no common topic. Papers from all fields of economics are welcome. Authors are invited to submit papers for presentation, following the submission instructions on the website of the German Economic Association:

Organized Sessions

It is also possible to submit suggestions for Organized Sessions. An Organized Session contains three interrelated papers, which are submitted by one of the authors (the organizier of the session).


The deadline for submissions of papers is March 1st 2012.

Submitted papers will be selected by the Programme Committee on the basis of anonymous referee’s evaluations. Authors will be notified of the committee’s decision by May 15th 2012.

The papers will be made available on the conference homepage but not published in any other way.

Reinhard Selten Preis (Young Author Best Paper Award)

The German Economic Association awards the Reinhard Selten Preis (Young Author Best Paper Award) to authors presenting at the conference. Applications can be made with the electronic registration.

Programme committee of contributed sessions

Armin Schmutzler, Universität Zürich (Vorsitzender)
Peter Egger, ETH Zürich
Dirk Engelmann, Universität Mannheim
Bernd Fitzenberger, Universität Freiburg
Christian Keuschnigg, Universität St. Gallen
Tom Krebs, Universität Mannheim
Gernot Müller, Universität Bonn
Roland Strausz, Humboldt-Universität Berlin

Programme of invited sessions

Michael C. Burda

Lokal Organization, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

Stephan Klasen
Renate Ohr