DSGVO-easyInfo: Evaluation of a standardized information sheet to increase the awareness of affected individuals in accordance with the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)


Partner: Unabhängiges Landeszentrum für Datenschutz (Independent Centre for Privacy Protection Schleswig-Holstein)

Project Duration: 01.03.2024 - 28.02.2027

Funding: Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

Development and iterative testing of an information sheet, legally compliant examination of the presentation of the information sheet, main study, and publication within the Privacy Platform framework.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) mandates to provide adequate information to individuals on the processing of their private data. However, this intent is often challenged by the complex nature of privacy policies and the extensive and opaque manner in which they are presented to the user. In an interconnected world, there is an increasing lack of clarity on how personal data is being collected and processed by service providers. What we need are contemporary measures to provide citizens with the extensive information required by the GDPR in an understandable and user-friendly manner, thereby increasing user awareness of data processing.

Therefore, the aim of the easyInfo project is to develop a standardized information sheet that supplements the information obligations under the GDPR in a low-threshold format. The purpose of the information sheet is to convey to individuals the key aspects of data processing consent when they use a product or service and make an informed decision.

The project aims to empower individuals, enabling them to act autonomously and be informed in their digitally saturated everyday lives. Additionally, it has the potential to promote competition among companies and, consequently, facilitate the development of privacy-friendly products and services.