Journal Papers

Articles in double-blind refereed journals

(English language if not indicated otherwise)

2023 - 2022 - 2021 - 2020 - 2019 - 2018 - 2017 - 2016 - 2015 - 2014 - 2013 - 2012 - 2011 - 2010 - 2009 - 2007 - 2006 - 2005 - 2004 - 2003 - 2001 - before 2000


  • Peukert, C., Qahri-Saremi, H., Schultze, U.Thatcher, J.B., Cheung, C., Frenzel-Piasentin, A., Greve, M., Matt, C., Trenz, M., Turel, O., (2024): Metaverse: A real change or just another research area?. Electronic Markets 34, 32. [VHB: B]
  • Willnat, M.; Borchers, L.; Lembcke, T.-B.; Kolbe, L. (2024): Planning factors in municipal bikesharing network design: A qualitative study. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 27, 101190.


  • Braun, M., Greve, M., Brendel, A. B., & Kolbe, L. M. (2023). Humans supervising Artificial intelligence – Investigation of Designs to optimize error detection. Journal of Decision Systems, 1–26. [VHB: B]
  • Brendel, A.B.; Brennecke, J.T.; Hillmann, B.M.; Kolbe, L.M. (2023): The Design of a Decision Support System for Computation of Carsharing Pricing Areas and its Influence on Vehicle Distribution, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management – Special Issue “Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology.”, 70(3) [VHB 3: B] Link
  • Harnischmacher, C., Markefke, L., Brendel, A.B., Kolbe, L. (2023): Two-sided sustainability: Simulating battery degradation in vehicle to grid applications within autonomous electric port transportation. Journal of Cleaner Production, 384 [VHB: B] Link
  • Diaz, Estefania & Rubio Hernan, Jose & Romero, Francisco & Karite, Aicha & Vervisch-Picois, Alexandre & Samama, Nel. (2023). Advanced Smartphone-Based Identification of Transport Modes: Resilience under GNSS-Based Attacks. Future Transportation. Link


  • Brendel, A.B.; Lichtenberg, S.; Morana, S.; Prinz, C.; Hillmann, B.M (2022): Designing a Crowd-Based Relocation System - The Case of Car-Sharing., Sustainability 2022, 14(12), 7090 [VHB: C] Link
  • Brendel, A.B., Chasin, F., Mirbabaie, M., Riehle, D.M., Harnischmacher, C. (2022): Review of Design-Oriented Green Information Systems Research., Sustainability 2022, 14(8), 4650 [VHB: C] Link
  • Klumpp, M., Hanelt, A., Greve, M., Kolbe, L. M., Tofangchi, S., Böhrnsen, F., Jakob, J., Kaczmarek, S., Börsting, I., Ehmke, C., Düsing, H., & Juhra, C. (2022). Accelerating the Front End of Medicine: Three Digital Use Cases and HCI Implications. Healthcare, 10(11), 2176. [VHB 3: n.a.] Link
  • Kegel, F., Greve, M., Schnell, K., Stein, M., Kolbe, L.M. (2022): Co-Creative Vermittlungsplattformen für die Psychische Gesundheitsversorgung. HMD [VHB: D] Link
  • Masuch, K.; Greve, M.; Trang, S.; Kolbe, L. (2022): Apologize or Justify? Examining the Impact of Data Breach Response Actions on Stock Value of Affected Companies. Computers & Security, 112, pp. 1-14 [VHB 3: n.a.] Link
  • Diederich, S., Brendel, AB., Morana, S., and Kolbe, L. (2022): On the Design of and Interaction with Conversational Agents: An Organizing and Assessing Review of Human-Computer Interaction Research. Journal of the Association for Information Systems [VHB 3: A] Link
  • Brendel AB, Lembcke T-B, Kolbe LM. (2022): Towards an Integrative View on Design Science Research Genres, Strategies, and Pivotal Concepts in Information Systems Research. ACM SIGMIS Database for Advances in Information Systems. December [VHB 3: B] Link

  • 2021

    • Fredershausen S, Lechte H, Willnat M, Witt T, Harnischmacher C, Lembcke T-B, Klumpp M, Kolbe L. (2021): Towards an Understanding of Hydrogen Supply Chains: A Structured Literature Review Regarding Sustainability Evaluation. Sustainability, 13(21):11652 [VHB 3: C]. doi: 10.3390/su132111652 Link
    • Brendel, A.B., Greve, M., Masuch, K., Trang, S. (2021): Corona Tracing Apps – Eine Analyse und Strukturierung des europäischen Marktes. HMD, 58, pp. 698–711 [VHB 3: D] doi: 10.1365/s40702-021-00753-9 Link
    • Bohnsack, R., Kurtz, H., Hanelt, A. (2021): Re-examining path dependence in the digital age: The evolution of connected car business models. Research Policy [VHB 3: A] Link
    • Masuch, K.; Greve, M.; Trang, S. (2021): What to do after a data breach? Examining apology and compensation as response strategies for health service providers, Electronic Markets (accepted for publication) [VHB 3: B]
    • Yuan, S., Yuan, Y., Baker, T., Kolbe, LM., Hogrefe, D. (2021): FedRD: Privacy-preserving adaptive Federated learning framework for intelligent hazardous Road Damage detection and warning, Future Generation Computer Systems, pp. 385-398 [VHB 3: n.a.] doi: 10.1016/j.future.2021.06.035
    • Brendel, AB., Diederich, S., & Niederman, F. (2021): An immodest proposal – going “All in” on replication research in information systems, European Journal of Information Systems, pp. 1-11 [VHB 3: A]
    • Brendel AB, Lembcke T-B, Muntermann J, Kolbe LM. Toward replication study types for design science research. Journal of Information Technology. April 2021. pp. 1-18, [VHB 3: A] doi: 10.1177/02683962211006429 Link
    • Greve, M., Brendel, A.B., van Osten, N., Kolbe, L.M. (2021) Overcoming the barriers of mobile health that hamper sustainability in low-resource environments. Journal of Public Health (Berl.), pp. 1-14 [VHB 3: n.a.] doi: 10.1007/s10389-021-01536-8
    • Lembcke, T.-B.; Herrenkind, B.; Nastjuk, I.; Brendel, A.B. (2021): Promoting Business Trip Ridesharing with Green Information Systems: A Blended Environment Perspective. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment - Special Issue "Shared mobility and environment" 94 [VHB: B] doi: 10.1016/j.trd.2021.102795
    • Lembcke, T.-B.; Willnat, M.; Lechte, H.; Greve, M. Heinsohn, J.; Brendel, A.B. (2021): Mobility Need-Adaptive Housing Platforms: The Benefit of a Commute Time Search Feature, Sustainability 13(6), pp. 1-14 [VHB: C] doi: 10.3390/su13063169
    • Trang, S.; Mandrella, M.; Marrone, M.; Kolbe, L. M. (2021): Co-creating business value through IT-business operational alignment in inter-organisational relationships: Empirical evidence from regional networks, European Journal of Information Systems, pp. 1-38. [VHB 3: A] doi: 10.1080/0960085X.2020.1869914 Link
    • Tofangchi, S.; Hanelt, A.; Marz, D.; Kolbe, L.M. (2021): HANDLING THE EFFICIENCY–PERSONALIZATION TRADE-OFF IN SERVICE ROBOTICS: A MACHINE-LEARNING APPROACH, Journal of Management Information Systems 38(1), pp. 1-45 [VHB 3: A] doi: 10.1080/07421222.2021.1870391
    • Diederich, S.; Lembcke, T.-B., Brendel, A.B., Kolbe, L. (2021): Understanding the Impact of Response Failure on User Perception of Anthropomorphic Conversational Service Agents: Insights from an Online Experiment. AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction 13(1), pp. 82-102 [VHB 3: n.a.] doi: 10.17705/1thci.00143
    • Prinz, C.; Lichtenberg, S.; Willnat, M., Brendel AB (2021): CASSI: Design of a Simulation Environment for Vehicle Relocation in Carsharing. AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction 13(1), pp. 12-36 [VHB 3: n.a.] doi: 10.17705/1thci.00140
    • Hanelt, A.; Firk, S.; Hildebrandt, B.; Kolbe, L.M. (2021) Digital M&A, digital innovation, and firm performance: an empirical investigation, European Journal of Information Systems, online, pp. 1-24. [VHB 3: A]
    • Hanelt, A., Bohnsack, R., Marz, D. and Antunes Marante, C. (2021), A Systematic Review of the Literature on Digital Transformation: Insights and Implications for Strategy and Organizational Change, Journal of Management Studies 58 (5), pp. 1159-1197. [VHB 3: A]

    • 2020

      • Meyer von Wolff, R., Hobert, S., Masuch, K., Schumann, M.: Chatbots at Digital Workplaces - A Grounded-Theory Approach for Surveying Application Areas and Objectives, in: Pacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems 12 (2020) 2, S. 64-102. [VHB 3: n.a.]
      • Nastjuk, I.; Herrenkind, B.; Marrone, M.; Brendel, A.B.; Kolbe, L.M. (2020): What Drives the Acceptance of Autonomous Driving? Future Directions and Policy. Technological Forecasting and Social Change Journal, 161, pp. 1-26. [VHB 3: B]
      • Masuch, K.; Hengstler, S.; Trang, S.; Brendel, A.B. (2020): Replication Research of Moody, Siponen, and Pahnila’s Unified Model of Information Security Policy Compliance. AIS Transactions on Replication Research, 6(1), pp. 1-16. [VHB 3: n.a.]
      • Brendel, A.B.; Greulich, R.S.; Niederman, F.; Trang, S. (2020): Towards a Greater Diversity of Replication Studies, AIS Transactions on Replication Research., 6(1), pp. 1-15.
      • Yuan, Y.; Islam, Md S.; Yuan, Y.; Wang, S.; Baker, T.; Kolbe, L.M. (2020): EcRD: Edge-cloud Computing Framework for Smart Road Damage Detection and Warning, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, pp. 1-14. doi: 10.1109/JIOT.3024885 [VHB n.a.]
      • Diederich, S.; Brendel, A.B., Kolbe L.M. (2020): Designing Anthropomorphic Enterprise Conversational Agents, Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE), 62, pp. 193-209 [VHB 3: B]
      • Mandrella, Markus; Trang, Simon; and Kolbe, Lutz M. (2020) "Synthesizing and Integrating Research on IT-Based Value Cocreation: A Meta-Analysis", Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 21(2), pp. 388-427, [VHB 3: A] doi: 10.17705/1jais.00606 Link

      • 2019

      • Herrenkind, B.; Brendel, A.B.; Kolbe, L.M. (2019): Kollaborative Wertschöpfung im Carsharing. HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik - Special Issue: "Digitale Zusammenarbeit". [VHB: D]
      • Lembcke, T.B.; Brendel, A.B.; Kolbe, L.M. (2019): Make Design Thinking Teams Work: Einblicke in die Herausforderungen von innovativen Team-Kollaborationen. HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik - Special Issue: "Digitale Zusammenarbeit". 56, pp. 135-146 [VHB: D]
      • Yuan, Y., Huo, L., Yuan, Yachao, & Wang, Z. (2019). Semi-supervised tri-Adaboost algorithm for network intrusion detection. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 15(6), pp. 1-11, 1550147719846052.
      • Herrenkind, B.; Brendel, A.B.; Nastjuk, I.; Greve, M..; Kolbe, L.M. (2019): Investigating End-User Acceptance of Autonomous Electric Buses to Accelerate Diffusion, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment - Special Issue “Advances in Alternative Fuel Vehicles,” Issue 74, pp. 255-276.
      • Trang, S.; Brendel, A.B. (2019): A Meta-Analysis of Deterrence Theory in Information Security Policy Compliance Research. Information Systems Frontiers – Special Issue “Cyber Security, Privacy and Ethics of IS (in honor of Professor H. Jeff Smith (1957-2018))”, 21, pp. 1265–1284.
      • Herrenkind, B.; Nastjuk, I.; Brendel, A.B.; Trang, S.; Kolbe, L.M. (2019): Young People’s Travel Behavior – Using the Life-Oriented Approach to Understand the Acceptance of Autonomous Driving, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment - Special Issue “Young People’s Behavior,” Issue 74, pp. 214-233, DOI: 10.1016/j.trd.2019.07.023.
      • Hanelt, A., Leonhardt, D., Hildebrandt, B., Piccinini, E., and Kolbe, L. M. (2019): Pushing and Pulling: Digital Business Model Innovation and Dynamic Capabilities, Journal of Competences, Strategy & Management, Vol. 10, pp. 55-78.

      • 2018

      • Yuan, Y., Melching, C., Yuan, Yachao, & Hogrefe, D. (2018). Multi-device fusion for enhanced contextual awareness of localization in indoor environments. IEEE Access, 6, pp. 7422-7431.
      • Kumar, M., Chatterjee, S., Zhang, W., Yang, J., and Kolbe, L. M. (2018): Fuzzy Theoretic Model Based Analysis of Image Features, Information Sciences, pp. 34-54.
      • Brendel, A. B.; Lichtenberg, S.; Brauer, B.; Nastjuk, I.; Kolbe, L. M. (2018): Improving Electric Vehicle Utilization in Carsharing: A Framework and Simulation of an E-Carsharing Vehicle Utilization Management System, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, pp 230-245.
      • Gregory, R. W.; Kaganer, E.; Henfridsson, O.; Ruch, T. J. (2018): IT Consumerization and the Transformation of IT Governance. MIS Quarterly, Vol. 42, No. 4, pp. 1225-1253, DOI: 10.25300/MISQ/2018/13703.
      • Hildebrandt, B.; Hanelt, A.; Firk, S. (2018): Sharing Yet Caring - Mitigating Moral Hazard in Access-Based Consumption through IS-Enabled Value Co-Capturing with Consumers, Business & Information Systems Engineering (BISE), Vol. 60, No. 3, pp. 227-241. DOI: 10.1007/s12599-018-0532-6.
      • Li, R., Yuan, Yachao, Zhang, W. and Yuan, Y. (2018), Unified Vision-Based Methodology for Simultaneous Concrete Defect Detection and Geolocalization. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, pp. 527-544. DOI: 10.1111/mice.12351

      • 2017

      • Hanelt, A.; Busse, S.; Kolbe, L. (2017): Driving business transformation toward sustainability: exploring the impact of supporting IS on the performance contribution of eco-innovations, Information Systems Journal. Vol. 27, No. 4, pp 463-502.
      • Remane, G.; Hanelt, A.; Nickerson, R.; Kolbe, L.M. (2017): Discovering Digital Business Models in Traditional Industries, Journal of Business Strategy, Vol. 38, No. 2, pp 41-51.
      • Remane, G.; Hanelt, A.; Tesch, J.F.; Kolbe, L.M. (2017): THE BUSINESS MODEL PATTERN DATABASE - A TOOL FOR SYSTEMATIC BUSINESS MODEL INNOVATION, International Journal of Innovation Management, Vol. 21, No. 1., pp 1-61.

      • 2016

      • Kranz, J.; Hanelt, A.; Kolbe, L. (2016): Understanding the influence of absorptive capacity and ambidexterity on the process of business model change - The case of on-premise and cloud computing software?, Information Systems Journal. Vol. 26, No. 5, 477-517
      • Trang, S.; Zander, S.; Kolbe, L. M. (2016): Towards an importance-performance analysis of factors affecting e-business diffusion in the wood industry, in: Journal of Cleaner Production, pp. 121-131.
      • Eisel, M., Nastjuk, I., Kolbe, L.M., Understanding the influence of in-vehicle information systems on range stress - Insights from an electric vehicle field experiment, 2016, Transportation Research Part F (43), pp. 199-211.

      • 2015

      • Chatterjee, S., Nachstedt, T., Tamosiunaite, M., Wörgötter, F., Enomoto, Y., Ariizumi, R., Matsuno, F., Manoonpong, P. (2015). Learning and Chaining of Motor Primitives for Goal-directed Locomotion of a Snake-like Robot with Screw-drive Units. Int J Adv Robot Syst, 12:176, pp. 1-14.
      • Schmidt, J., Meyer-Barlag, C., Eisel, M., Kolbe, L. M., and Appelrath, H.-J. 2015. Using battery-electric AGVs in container terminals - Assessing the potential and optimizing the economic viability. Research in Transportation Business & Management (17), pp. 99-111.
      • Schmidt, J.; Lauven, L.; Ihle, N; Kolbe, L. (2015): Demand side integration for electric transport vehicles, International Journal of Energy Sector Management,Vol. 9 (4), pp. 160-177.
      • Hanelt, A.; Hildebrandt, B.; Brauer, B.; Kolbe, L.M. (2015): Towards Sustainable Mobility - Digital Eco-Systems as Drivers of Disruptive Change, in: China Media Research, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 53-63.
      • The Contingent Role of Centrality in IT Network Governance: An Empirical Examination, Pacific Asian Journal of the Association for Information Systems. (2015, Vol. 7., Iss. 1. pp. 31 - 48), Trang, S.; Zander, S., Kolbe, L. M.
      • Drivers of network governance: a multitheoretic perspective with insights from case studies in the German wood industry, in: Journal of Cleaner Production (2015, pp. 1 - 12), Zander, S.; Trang, S.; Kolbe, L. M.

      • 2014

      • Schmidt, J.; Eisel, M.; Kolbe, L. (2014): Assessing the Potential of Different Charging Strategies for Electric Vehicle Fleets in Closed Transport Systems, Energy Policy (74), pp. 179-189.
      • Umweltinformationen erfordern Management - Ergebnisse eines Diskurses zum Abgleich von Theorie und Praxis, in: Fleischwirtschaft, 2014 (5), 71-77, Beckers, C.; Zander, S.; Kolbe, L.M.
      • Mobile Security: Herausforderungen neuer Geräte und neuer Nutzeransprüche, in: HMD - Theorie und Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 2014 (51), Nr. 1, S. 9-23. (Kolbe, L. M.; Ruch, Thierry Jean)

      • 2013

      • Beckers, C., Marz, O., Kolbe, L.M.: Investing in Sustainability: A Practice-Oriented Approach to Analyze IT-Investments in Sustainability Reporting Systems, in: International Journal of Social Ecology and Sustainable Development, 4 (2013) 2, 100-122

      • 2012

      • Nachhaltigkeit wirtschaftlich darstellen, in: Fleischwirtschaft, 2012 (5), pp. 24-26. (Beckers, C.)

      • 2011

      • Nutzung von Prozessreferenzmodellen zur Produktivitätsmessung und -steigerung von Dienstleistungen - Konzepte und Umsetzung am Beispiel der Effizienzbewertung telemedizinischer Dienstleistungen, in: Controlling - Zeitschrift für erfolgsorientierte Unternehmenssteuerung, 2011 (10), pp. 514-520. (Drees, A., Langkau, T., Leppert, F., Peters, C., Soltani, N., et al.)
      • Smart Metering Information Management. WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK, 2011, 53(5), pp. 313-317. (Jagstaidt, U., Kossahl, J., Kolbe L. M.)
      • Perspektiven für den Einsatz von Kennzahlen systemen bei der IT-Steuerung der Bundesverwaltung, in: Verwaltung & Management (VM) - Zeitschrift für moderne Verwaltung, Baden-Baden : Nomos-Verl.-Ges, Bd. 17.2011, 3 (Mai/Jun.), S. 156-167 (Kossahl, J., Kießling, M., Kolbe, L. M)

      • 2010

      • Ökobilanzierung in der Informationstechnik – Zwei Distributionsformen der Musikindustrie im Vergleich, in: HMD - Theorie und Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, (2010), Nr. 274, S. 65-73. (Schmidt, N.-H.; Schmehl, M.; Thies, F.; Kolbe, L. M.; Geldermann, J.)
      • Green IT im Rahmen eines nachhaltigen Informationsmanagements – Status-quo und Handlungsempfehlungen für die Praxis, in: HMD - Theorie und Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, (2010), Nr. 274, S.18-27. (Erek, K.; Schmidt, N.-H.; Zarnekow, R.; Kolbe, L. M.)
      • Examining the Contribution of Green IT to the Objectives of IT Departments: Empirical Evidence from German Enterprises, in: Australian Journal of Information Systems (AJIS), Vol. 17 (2010) 1, 127-140 (Schmidt, N.-H.; Erek, K.; Kolbe, L. M.; Zarnekow, R.)
      • Uncovering ITIL Claims: IT Executives' Perception on Benefits and Business-IT Alignment, Information Systems and e-Business Management , 2010. DOI: 10.1007/s10257-010-0131-7 (Marrone, M., Kolbe, L. M.) (PDF, 345KB)

      • 2009

      • Nachhaltiges Informationsmanagement. WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK, 2009, 51(5), 463-466. (Schmidt, N.-H., Erek, K., Kolbe L. M., Zarnekow, R.)
      • Sustainable Information Systems Management. Business & Information Systems Engineering, 1(5), 2009, 400-402. (Schmidt, N.-H., Koray, E., Kolbe, L. M., Zarnekow, R.)

      • 2007

      • Self-services Revisited: How to balance high-tech and high-touch in customer relationships, European Management Journal, (2007), 310-319 (Salomann, H., Dous, M., Kolbe, L., Brenner, W.) (PDF, 1.816KB)
      • Mobilizing Customer Relationship Management, Business Process Management Journal, 13 (2007), 6, 830-852 (Schierholz, R., Kolbe, L., Brenner, W.) (PDF, 123KB)
      • Information Technology and Digital Services for Residential Users, in: Webster, J. (ed.), Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, 2007, 1-8, (Kolbe, L., Mundorf, N.) (reviewed encyclopedia contribution)(PDF, 155KB)
      • Home Computing Services, in: Wah, B. (ed.): Wiley Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, 2007, (Kolbe, L., Mundorf, N.) (reviewed encyclopedia contribution)(PDF, 1.964KB)

      • 2006

      • Self-services in customer relationships: balancing high-tech and high-touch – today and tomorrow, eService Journal, 4 (2006) 2, pp. 65-87. (Salomann, H., Kolbe, L., Brenner, W.) (PDF, 158KB)
      • Don’t call us – we call you. Performance Measurement in Multi-channel Environments, Journal of Information Science and Technology, 3 (2006) 2, pp. 45-63. (Kolbe, L., Schierholz, R., Ostrowski, A., Glissmann, S., Brenner, W.) (PDF, 53KB)
      • Advancing CRM initiatives with knowledge management, Journal of Information Science and Technology, 3 (2006) 2, pp. 23-44 (Salomann, H., Dous, M., Kolbe, L., Brenner, W.) (PDF, 218KB)
      • Successful CRM collaboration in financial services networks: a multi-case analysis, Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 19 (2006) 5/6, pp. 591-607 (Geib, M., Kolbe, L., Brenner, W.) (PDF, 236KB)

      • 2005

      • Rejuvenating Customer Management – How to make Knowledge For, From, and About Customers Work, European Management Journal, 23 (2005) 4, pp. 392-403 (Salomann, H., Dous, M., Kolbe, L., Brenner, W.) (PDF, 207KB)
      • Integration of Customer Relationship Management – Status quo and Implications for Research and Practice, Journal of Strategic Marketing, 13 (2005) 3, pp. 175-198 (Meyer, M., Kolbe, L.) (PDF, 262KB)
      • Customer Relationship Management in Business Networks – Lessons from the Financial Services Industry in Germany and Switzerland, in: MIS Quarterly Executive, 4 (2005) 1, pp. 247-260 (Geib, M., Kolbe, L., Brenner, W.) (PDF, 445KB)
      • Towards Improved Community-supporting Systems Design – A Study of Professional Community Activity, in: International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction, 1 (2005) 4, pp. 19-36 (Geib, M., Braun, Ch., Kolbe, L., Brenner, W.) (PDF, 846KB)
      • Towards a procedure model in terminology management, in: Journal of Documentation, 61 (2005) 2, pp. 281-295 (Kremer, S., Kolbe, L., Brenner, W.) (PDF, 1.131KB)
      • Improving Performance of Customer-Processes with Knowledge Management, in: Business Process Management Journal, 11 (2005) 5, pp. 573-588 (Büren, A., Schierholz, Kolbe, L., R., Brenner, W.) (PDF, 238KB)
      • The Continuum of Context Explication – Knowledge Discovery through Process-oriented Portals, in: International Journal of Knowledge Management, 1 (2005) 1, pp. 27-46 (Kolbe, L., Smolnik, S., Kremer, S.) (PDF, 1.393KB)
      • Strategy Alignment of Mobile Solutions in Customer-oriented Processes, in: Wirtschaftsinformatik, 47 (2005) 1, pp. 17-24 (Schierholz, R., Kolbe, L., Brenner, W.) (PDF, 459KB)
      • Collaborative Customer Relationship Management in Financial Services Alliances, in: Romano Jr., N., Fjermestad, J. (eds.), Advances in Management Information Systems, Special Issue on Customer Relationship Management – Advances and Issues, M. E. Sharpe, Armonk, NY, 2005, pp.3805-3817 (Geib, M., Kolbe, L., Brenner, W.)(PDF, 397KB)
      • Customer Knowledge Management: Improving Customer Relationship Management with Knowledge Management, in: Romano Jr., N., Fjermestad, J. (eds.), Advances in Management Information Systems, Special Issue on Customer Relationship Management – Advances and Issues, M. E. Sharpe, Armonk, NY, 2005, pp 1-10 (Büren, A., Schierholz, R., Kolbe, L., Brenner, W.) (PDF, 289KB)

      • 2004

      • Self-service devices and multi-channel management [Selbstbedienungsautomaten im Multikanalmanagement], in: Banking & Information Technology (BIT), Regensburg, 5 (2004) 4, pp. 33-44 (in German, Dous, M., Kolbe, L., Brenner, W.) (PDF, 44KB)

      • 2003

      • Knowledge-enabled Customer Relationship Management, in: Journal of Knowledge Management, 7 (2003) 5, pp. 107-123 (Gebert, H., Geib, M., Kolbe, L., Brenner, W.) (PDF, 1.901KB)
      • IT-Governance – Definition, Status Quo and Importance [IT-Governance – Begriff, Status Quo und Bedeutung], in: Wirtschaftsinformatik, 45 (2003) 4, pp. 445-448 (in German, Meyer, M., Zarnekow, R., Kolbe, L.) (PDF, 138KB)

      • 2001

      • Opportunities in mobile commerce for financial service companies [Geschäftspotenziale für Finanzdienstleister im M-Commerce] in: IM – Information Management & Consulting, 16 (2001) 2, pp. 76-83 (in German, Kolbe, L., Buchholz, R., Költzsch, T., Hofmann, C.) (PDF, 1.180KB)

      • before 2000

      • German Infobahn Trials for the Residential Customer – Technological and Conceptual Analysis, in: Telematics & Informatics, 14 (1997) 2, pp. 131-143 (Kolbe, L., Brenner, W.) (PDF, 1.130KB)
      • Convergence of media, machines and messages – The case of Time Warner full service network, in: Convergence – The journal of research into new media technologies, 3 (1997) 1, pp. 111-120 (Kolbe, L., Brenner, W., Mundorf, N.)(PDF, 1.894KB)
      • Computerized Information Processing in the Private Household: First Outlook on Business Impacts, in: Telematics & Informatics, 12 (1995) 2, pp. 97-110 (Kolbe, L., Brenner, W.) (PDF, 1.450KB)
      • Design of online-services for the home – optimal usage of marketing potential [Aufbau und Gestaltung von Online-Services für den privaten Haushalt – Handlungsrichtlinien zur Nutzung von Marketing Potentialen] in: der markt, 34 (1995) 3, No. 134, pp. 133-146 (in German, Kolbe, L., Eusterbrock, C.) (PDF, 2.437KB)
      • The computer-assisted information management of the residential area as challenge for business and academia [Die computerunterstützte Informationsverarbeitung der privaten Haushalte als Herausforderung für Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft], in: Wirtschaftsinformatik, 36 (1994) 4, pp. 369-378 (in German, Kolbe, L., Brenner, W.) (PDF, 2.902KB)